Allergy ~ma, sj. How are the upstairs neighbors? Are they tap dancers or anything?
They're mostly fine, although there are days when the boy and his friends are endlessly stomping up and down the stairs that I am very much looking forward to September.
Vortex has my U. contacted you about that job?
haven't heard anything. Should I poke them, you think?
Because it was requested this is pretty much what our wedding
look like. Mine is only 3mm wide so as not to overpower my engagement ring and TCG's is closer to 6 mm wide.
Should I poke them, you think?
I wouldn't until after next week. The arrival of 300+ lost first year students will probably mean they won't be able to do anything for you until after they're all registered and oriented.
Lovely rings, sj!
I wouldn't until after next week. The arrival of 300+ lost first year students will probably mean they won't be able to do anything for you until after they're all registered and oriented.
That's what I was thinking, but wanted to check with you. I'm in the same boat here.
Is it too early to start drinking at work. Like alki-hol, this caffine stuff just ain't cutting it.
Bad: Didn't get to bed until 1am.
Good: Because we were at a Steely Dan concert.
Bad: Was woken up by dog with intestinal distress at 5am.
Good: DH got up and walked dog.
Bad: Dreamt that DH got a new wife who was 22 and she was dumb! And didn't even really like him! And I had to sleep in the office!
Good: I was comforted by Colin Firth, who made out with me for quite a while.
Bad: I am at work and too tired to live.
Good: Tomorrow is my birthday!