Good grief. You want me to drop a contact note?
I'm hoping someone posts in the responses and points it out to them. Or if you feel so compelled to, be my guest. Jane, the head reviewer and I, have this kind of weird history. She was very put out last year that I won the RITA in the category I did. She felt, rather strongly, that a young adult novel shouldn't have won in the Single Title Contemporary Romance category, regardless of the quality of the novel.
Never mind, too, that she hasn't read the book. ::rolleyes::
But you know, it's a site that gets a lot of traffic and I'm trying to play nice. As nice as I can, at any rate.
Already fixed before I got a comment in, so I just left it at "yay, great interview"
I paid my final payment of my final student loan on Wednesday. Online. A day early.
I paid exactly that the online system said was my final payment.
Today I went to look at my account online.
Guess what.... [link]
WTF, Daniel? Mail the fuckers a penny taped to the envelope.
And Vortex could have a seminar on How to Write a Letter of Complaint!
so this.
and you Sparky, what will you be teaching?
Hello, dears. I am SO IN on BA. I will teach bellydancing, and possible a foreign language or two, or maybe basic construction/deconstruction skillz. amyth can come manage the recycling program. katep can be one of the librarians, for surely we will have a number of them.
I've been an actual guidance counselor and promise to model my performance on Allyson Janney in 10 Things I Hate About You.
Miss Perky! "Next time, keep it in your pouch." Zoiks, I love that movie. And I totally didn't realize until someone mentioned it to me that David Krumholtz played Michael.
Aimee, great suffering sphincters. What the crap.
Continued hugs to Sean and Drew.
OMG, I'm falling asleep at my desk. This is NOT COOL.
New guy is sitting in the cube next to mine, there is a half wall between us. Way to make a good first impression, Suz.
WTF, Daniel? Mail the fuckers a penny taped to the envelope.
They claim they will write it off...
I'm hoping someone posts in the responses and points it out to them
I had written a polite note to the contact us link. They got on it quick. Her response:
Thank you! Always feel free to write and point out our errors. No wonder I couldn't find the dang book on Amazon. Late night blogging is a bad idea.