Yeah, I think immediate family should have at least a 2 week period before someone gives them a "talking to," subtexty or not.
The idea of a memorial is to celebrate a person's life and grive their passing, and to support that person's family. It's too bad they weren't there for the formal memorial, but I would think that this would not supercede (should NOT supercede) their own informal memorial and any support they could wish to give to the fam.
I mean, aren't Masons all about the widow's son, anyway?
(Granted, all my Mason stuff comes from the Illuminatus trilogy, so it's awee bit skewed...or, who knows, maybe right on?)
Yeah but I also never became a mason.
We're just feeling protective of you, sweetheart. Please don't feel like you have to defend them. I know his words came from a place of grief.
And now you never will, so there.
ND, if you want me to go back and edit, I will -- I was piling on Kristin's a bit, and mostly coming from this:
immediate family should have at least a 2 week period before someone gives them a "talking to," subtexty or not.
kind of place. I
feel like you didn't need to catch the brunt of it, especially since I know those clubs have good communication channels that could be helping you rather than landing on you - but if it's hurting more than helping, I'll happily edit to make myself look crazy.
Yeah but I also never became a mason
You should, Mason family rollover minutes or something. For a year. Geesh. Like being on a parent's health insurance till you're 18.
It is just a lot of unfortunate. I need to call tomorrow and figure out where the ball got dropped.
Forgive me, Drew, but...the gentleman who called you? Wouldn't he be doing this? I mean, he is part of the organization.
I understand you might feel obliged to do this, or that it is a courtesy you must attend to personally; you just have so much on your plate, I am wondering if this is something you can let others do?
It is just something else to add to the list.