le sigh. Buffista Acadamy -- wherefore art thou a fruitless pipe dream, when I can't find a freakin' teaching job?
Wouldn't BA be FUN? Emily and Hil could teach math, we could ship Nilly in for science, and Hebrew, we have lots of drama teachers.
Hec could be the bball coach and modern music history teacher; we'd have lots of librarians and an amazing library...our administrative staff would all be really cool, and our computer network system woulf be black and pink and feature teeny cupcakes.
And Fay could come and have teaching sabbaticals every two or three years and jet off somewhere fabulous -- wait, a teacher and Fay would work out some type of flextime system!
And all the position that remain unfilled would be filled by extremely witty single attractive persons. Nice persons. People. Sexobject people type witty things. Yes, yes.
And very good coffee, and a faculty room with a secret smoking loungue (hey, it's me) behind a moving bookcase. This is also where the topshelf likker is kept. For after work.