Nora!!! You are so pretty and you do the dress justice. I thought about buying that same dress in the brown colors, but decided it was too much like a dress I already have to justify the money.
bonny, it’s good to see you around again!
Kristin and Drew, I’m glad you’re home, but Mr. Byron needs to not do these things. Y’all need a break.
Teachers have "common planning" from 7-8; however, we will have at least one meeting/planning/stupid-crap-I-gotta-do commitment each week.
My school also has a “common plan” from 8-9 (I teach middle school and we start at 9). But, 1 day per week I have a team meeting with an academic team. Another day I have outdoor duty. Once a month I have a team meeting with the other exploratory teachers. Blah blah blah.
BUT, I do have another plan period during the day, too. Our classes are 44 minutes and we have 7 periods. We also have a 26 minute advisory at the end of the day. I teach 6 classes plus an advisory.
I think the "favorite part" at my school was when we were told that football would essentially be untouched as it is the only thing that is "profitable".
Lovely. Just lovely. Our district was thinking of eliminating the drama program from the middle schools 2 years ago because all 4 drama teachers were leaving that year and the admin figured it would be a good time. Luckily, the community banded together and made him promise publicly that he wouldn’t cut the arts programs. He hasn’t, but it’s because of the parents and the businessmen in the area.
Of course, my school is the only one that doesn’t even have a cafetorium. We perform in a “multipurpose room” which is a ½ gym.