Dear god, GG. No planning period?? That sucks. We had a union meeting today to go over our new contract. We vote on it this week then it goes to the board on 8/4. While not fantabulous, it's okay.
Yep. Somehow the loving school board decided a good way to deal with the $6 million+ deficit in our budget was to have the high school teachers teach 7 out of 8 periods. As we are on the block schedule this means half the school will be without a planning period each semester. This is also part of the reason most of the schools did not replace all the positions that were vacated at the end of the year. My school had about 20 people leave (which has become standard for that nut house) and has been trying to replace the "essential positions".
To "make it better" they shortened the class periods from 90 min to 85 and moved the start time from 7:30 to 8. Teachers have "common planning" from 7-8; however, we will have at least one meeting/planning/stupid-crap-I-gotta-do commitment each week. They also told us we probably won't be able to keep our personal microwaves and fridge's because they are looking for ways to save energy.
We don't have a contract, yet. I'm a site rep with the teachers association and we were told not to expect much. If we are lucky we will get to keep our step allowance for the coming year but that will be about it.
I think the "favorite part" at my school was when we were told that football would essentially be untouched as it is the only thing that is "profitable". Their biggest concession might be earlier game times (to conserve electricity) and not being able to go to as many away games (to conserve gas). However, they will probably get new uniforms again this year and are supposed to get a new stadium if the rebuild plans go through. (One of the first things that was eliminated from the plans was a theatre. It was deemed "too expensive" and "unnecessary". Instead they just want to 'renovate' the Cafetorium)
Pretty Nora!!
We leave in a couple of hours for San Diego (ye olde Comic-Con!). Excited!!!!
Nora, you look lovely! Don't know why you're afraid of the camera.
I think the "favorite part" at my school was when we were told that football would essentially be untouched as it is the only thing that is "profitable". Their biggest concession might be earlier game times (to conserve electricity) and not being able to go to as many away games (to conserve gas). However, they will probably get new uniforms again this year and are supposed to get a new stadium if the rebuild plans go through.
how is football profitable in high school? Selling popcorn and drinks doesn't make enough money to build a stadium.
Timelies all. I'm hangin' at home, using the excuse of the driveway being resurfaced. Let me just say that the reverse-alarm-beeping on a tractor? REALLY FREAKING LOUD inside a garage.
Also, J!NX has Dr. Horrible shirts: [link]
how is football profitable in high school? Selling popcorn and drinks doesn't make enough money to build a stadium.
I asked; however, administration wouldn't give me a good answer. I do know they charge for parking, admission, programs and all concessions. Plus, they have advertising in the programs and sell beads, t-shirts, and other "spirit stuff" at the games.
Our school baseball team was basically supported by Atlanta Brave's pitcher Mike Hampton for a while. (Mike is an alumni) I think the 'Hampton Foundation" still does some stuff to help the athletics programs.
Don't know why you're afraid of the camera.
I tend to focus immediately on body parts I don't like - there are several pictures that I couldn't even post, so I still have some work to do on self-acceptance. I looked very nice, except for this particular body part that I hate. I am trying though! Because it's who I am and what I look like and I would like to be happy with it, in photos and in real life...
Because it's who I am and what I look like and I would like to be happy with it, in photos and in real life...
I know the feeling. I still kinda hate myself in photos, but I try to focus on the stuff I like. All I can do to help you is let you know how we see your beautiful self and hope that you believe us! Personally, I find that focusing on my great rack helps me appreciate photos more. I suggest you try it.
I haz a picspam: New Dress!
Absolutely fetching. And the dress is nice too.