t wishes GG could move her whole family out to LA so she could come teach in my school with me
Vortex, so much ~ma for your poor dad! Ouch!
Susan, I'm very happy for you. I'm also very envious, but mostly very happy. I hope someday I will be able to say the same.
Also, hugs to JZ and Sean, and tons of writing ~ma to Barb. I re-read some of an old manuscript last night, Barb, and I got a wicked stab of
dammit this isn't half bad why the hell did I stop writing it,
so maybe I will actually get past my own epic writing block at some point and join you.
P.S. I am very, very sick of this stupid shit-paying online summer school class. I can't believe that I have to keep doing this right up until I go back to regular classes. There really hasn't been much "vacation" in this summer vacation. For a lot of reasons. I just wish I hadn't taken this on on top of everything else. Blah.
t /whine
wishes GG could move her whole family out to LA so she could come teach in my school with me
Vortex, much ~ma to your dad.
~ma to all in need.
Wow...lots of not good stuff happening to good people. A smattering of good stuff happening to good people. And a whole bunch of good people supporting each other.
I miss you guys.
wishes GG could move her whole family out to LA so she could come teach in my school with me
This is a plan. This is a very good plan. This is a plan that should happen.
And you know, shallow as it sounds, I think at this point, what I need is validation.
Not shallow at all. It's amazing how a little appreciation goes a LONG way.
Vortex, how's your Dad doing? I'm guessing your at the hospital now.
Drew, continued {{{{}}}} for you. I hope the folks at AAA were helpful and friendly. Wish all states let AAA do DMV stuff.
Pix, sorry that online thing never got better. Any glitter on that pile of dung to focus on? Awesome kids? Fun teaching? You know me, the optimist trying to find the good. So easy for the gloom to pull us down. (Lessons learned from Never Ending Story).
New work laptop arrived today. Well, yesterday, but worker bee didn't want to turn it over to me until she had "set it up" even tho she said she knows nothing about the Mac. um. I'll set it up, just gimmegimmegimme. SOooooo much easier to research on the Mac than the iPhone. Love iPhone, but a PITA to look a lot of things up on the net.
This is a plan. This is a very good plan. This is a plan that should happen.
Hey, I'd vote for this in a second!
I'm so fricking excited at how well my CEO's nephew is pitching for the A's. Practically has made this die-hard National Leaguer an A's fan.
Ziggy is pitching right now AIFG!!
That's AWESOME! I'd cheer for them, but... well, Yanks aren't doing well enough for that. But I will cheer for Ziggy! WooT!
You know Ziggy? He is so my hero. I like his blog, and his guts in rebuilding his pitching, and he's just a good story in a uniform.
Thanks Omnis! He either has already, or is close to, breaking the A.L. record for starting a career without being scored upon! He has pitched 22.2 innings and STILL doesn't have an E.R.A. Well, he does, but it's ZERO.