(((JZ))) Just because I'm not close enough to do it in person. When you do get to Matilda, squeeze her for me too, would you, please?
Oh dear lowerd. Send Larry my best, would you, Ginger? Five places? The fates really wanted to make sure, didn't they? Speedy healing to him.
Barb, the only real suggestion I have is just write. A journal page, a rant, a description of something you've seen, smelled, tasted, *worn*, just keep it going, describing, blurting onto the page. Sort of like morning pages but allowing the chance for what you're writing (which is admittedly stream of conscious babble) to evolve into a cohesive narrative. Sometimes that works when more practical approaches don't.
All the ma in the world to Vortex's dad.
Continued good vibes for Drew and Kristin and Drew's family. And a hug for Sean, just because.
I want a hobbit hole. Or a Rivendell condo—I'm flexible like that.
I always thought so too, till we got to Edoras. And then it felt like home.
~ma to Drew for getting through all of details.
Typo, I could try that-- it's not dissimilar to what I do when I'm actually writing, since my pattern is that I generally start out writing and then five or six chapters in, I start writing a chapter by chapter outline, with all of the details and snippets.
Can't hurt to try at any rate, right? *sigh* This sucks, but all very First World diamond buckles too tight and I feel like a jerk for whining. Someone needs to just slap me around, I swear.
Drew, I'm sorry that these days the stress of someone's death is compounded by the stress of piles of paperwork. I'll be thinking of y'all.
Question for hivemind-- what do you do when you find yourself completely frozen?
What I did was start an LJ group [link] for people who weren't getting anything done. It's new, but it seems to be helping. I need to use it better, though.
How do you use that group? I need to set a number of goals in different areas and it might be helpful to have support like that.
Someone needs to just slap me around, I swear.
First we must spank you, and spank you well. And then we must spank all of us.
Paperwork-ma, ND.
but I open the file and I just can't bring myself to add anything new to what's there.
maybe start a new file? Doesn't have to be stuff to be added, maybe some new stuff. You said that you had some ideas for new books, maybe start drafting proposals? Or go out for margaritas, whichever works ;)
Paperwork~ma to Drew. I hope it all goes as smoothly as possible.
Or go out for margaritas, whichever works ;)
You gonna hop a flight so we can go be intimidating at bars together? Hm?
First we must spank you, and spank you well. And then we must spank all of us.
I thought the idea was to chastise me for being a dolt. :-P
You gonna hop a flight so we can go be intimidating at bars together? Hm?
Sounds like a plan. Due to dad's injury, I might have a ticket to florida this weekend that's going to waste. *sigh*
I like the idea of spanking Barb between margaritas. Surely that will unfreeze things.