Nora, your hair looks fantastic!!!
Aims, I forgot that ex-boss is also your landlord. (Or is he? Maybe I read it wrong.)
ION, argh. My laptop's DC-in board has been iffy for a while, then seemed to miraculously revive, but last night decided to give up. Fortunately there's an Apple-only repair place in my neighborhood, so I'm about to call them and ask if I can bring it over.
So I'm using The Boy's 10-year-old computer (it's running Windows '98, which, while more stable than Windows ME or Vista, is still FUCKING OLD, and oh, by the way, it's a PC and therefore confuses the shit out of me). He has one of those weird-ass split keyboards, and I keep screwing up every other word I type. It makes me look drunk.
Anyway. While I'm (obviously) loathing work these days, I like having Fridays off now. I have a list as long as my arm of stuff I need to do, but the laptop being on the DL screwed up about 1/3 of that.
Plus? It's my damned day off, and I didn't go to sleep until after midnight, and I woke up at 7 and couldn't go back to sleep. So I finished reading Skulduggery Pleasant (really good, BTW) and started the sequel; accepted that I wasn't going to fall back asleep; got up and ate some Raisin Bran, and now I'm here. Maybe I can get a nap after the gym.