It's weird, the number of men who think short hair on women is appalling. Not just not attractive on that particular woman, but philosophically inadvisable.
I'm okay with people having fetishes; I just prefer that they admit that that's what it is.
I don't mean to offend, but if you indiscriminately prefer long hair on women regardless of how it looks on the individual woman, that veers pretty firmly into fetish category.
I mean, I don't pretend my love of guys with big hands is normal. It's an inordinate affection/predilection, which is the what the garden-variety usage of "kink" has morphed into these days.
So, what should I do until I hear from my boy to find out if he's coming over after his dinner plans?
A) Work on my very difficult transcription project
B) Work on school work
C) Clean my living room and finish the dishes
D) Screw all the stuff I *should* be doing and watch shows from the DVR
I don't mean to offend, but if you indiscriminately prefer long hair on women regardless of how it looks on the individual woman, that veers pretty firmly into fetish category.
But "regardless of how it looks on the individual woman" is i so
Choose D!
t /bad influence
I never really like my hair, but I think it's because I have no idea what to do with it.
Yeah, I'm leaning towards D, but actually thinking that if I did something more productive I'll be more likely to stay awake until he's done with dinner.
I know, crazy troll logic.
The shower Mom is throwing for me sounds like it has morphed from a small house shower to a bit of a production. I'm trying not to worry about it.
Oh, goodness. Family. Gotta love 'em.
I'm actually thinking I might run out and get an iced coffee. That's certain to keep me awake for a few more hours...
But "regardless of how it looks on the individual woman" is i so subjective.
None of the women I've seen on the show have said they want to keep their hair because they think it looks better that way. Of course, my favorite is the woman (whose hair wasn't really super long) who insisted her husband would be upset if they cut her hair, and his first comment on seeing her was basically that her hair looked awesome.
And I don't think everyone with long hair has hair that looks ratty, it's just often the case on the show that it is very damaged and really doesn't look good.
None of the women I've seen on the show have said they want to keep their hair because they think it looks better that way.
So why did they want to keep it? Inertia? They like the way it feels?
And I don't think everyone with long hair has hair that looks ratty, it's just often the case on the show that it is very damaged and really doesn't look good.
My hair dresser (who I tracked down!) was talking about how so many cutters don't know how/aren't interested in making long hair look good -- they'd rather chop away.
I went in there with color damage pretty sure he'd have to lop a bunch of it off. He didn't. It looks great now.
It's weird, the number of men who think short hair on women is appalling. Not just not attractive on that particular woman, but philosophically inadvisable.
I remember when
came out, the Chronicle reviewer gave it a positive view but used up an entire paragraph lamenting that women would take it as an excuse to go out and get those horrible, horrible bobs, when everyone knows that short hair is objectively loathsome (I exaggerate his actual statement, but not by much).
I wish I could have long hair, I really do, and I wish it looked better on me than it does. But the truth is that the only way I'd ever look good with long hair is if I invested in a wig. My own hair stops looking healthy and happy just past my shoulders. If I grow it out to the bottom of my shoulderblades, it gets tatty. Down to mid-back, and the last 9 inches are a split-ended raggedy thinning mess.
I'd love to have long Pre-Raphaelite ringlets all the way down my back, and maybe someday I will, if I purchase them.
It was a relief, really, to one day have a friend just lop it all off right up to mid-neck; I was still getting the cultural message that longer hair was lovelier and more feminine, but when I set aside the bullshit and looked in the mirror there was no way not to see that everything looked better this way. But, damn, that cultural message is loud.