Peace ~ma, Drew to you and your family.
Calli, all the best to you and yours. It's a very good thing that your father has someone who can talk to the doctors and ask intelligent questions.
I am back at work after a whirlwind trip to Portland, where I got to see Perkins and Cass, among other non-Buffistae. Both Perkins and I got to snub evil past employers, which never gets old no matter how many years go by.
It appears Tony Snow's funeral will be here on campus this Thursday, with the President attending, so once again traffic/parking will be f*cked.
Drew, I'm so sorry for your loss.
I'm very sorry for your loss, Drew.
I'm glad you were there, Drew, and he was able to be home among his loved ones. Please try to get some sleep.
In lighter news, yay job! I hope it ends up being a great opportunity for you, Trudy.
iPods have a light saber feature?
Trudy, congratulations on the new job!
Oh, Drew, I'm so, so sorry. I'm glad that you were able to get him home and that it was peaceful, at least.
Much love to you and Kristin both.
Oh, Drew. Peace to your father and to your family. I'm glad you got back in time to see him, and that he got home. I'm glad that his suffering was (hopefully) limited. But I'm so, so, sorry that he's gone. How is your mother holding up?
Congrats to Trudy!
Love to Drew and Kristin.
More love to Calli. You know where to find us when you need us.
Both Perkins and I got to snub evil past employers, which never gets old no matter how many years go by.
Ah, the simple pleasures.
Yes, congrats to Trudy! Well done. I think you should take a weekend in the Adirondacks to celebrate. What?!
Inspired by Jessica, we had a delicious CSA and garden fritatta last night- summer squash, spinach, onion, and eggs from the farm, and parsley, oregano, and basil from our garden went into the frittata (along with some goat cheese and half & half, while purchased from the farmstand, were not our farm's products). We also had a salad of lettuce both from our garden and the farm, and purslane, radish, and cucumber from the farm.
Yum, and yay for summertime produce.