Kristin, traveling ~ma to you. Hope the trip is uneventful.
Drew, so glad dad got home. If you just need to aimlessly talk, I'm here.
a heaping amount of hugs to Drew, Kristin and Drew's family...
Drew, may your dad's days be as peaceful and painless as possible. (OH! my parents send their love, prayers and thoughts as well)
Early Sunday is possible. I want to say Comic Book Boyfriend and I were doing something later that day, but I can't remember. I'll email you after I talk to all the boys and make sure I'm free.
Or! What are you doing Friday night? Dark Knight opens! Do you know a good Imax theater?
{{Callie}} I'm sorry the diagnosis didn't favor your father. May his treatment be extremely effective.
{{Drew, Kristin and the Designs}} I'm very glad to hear your father made it home. May his passing be peaceful, with his loved ones there to ease his way.
Ye gods, Calli. I'm sorry your dad's diagnosis is sucktastic. All my brackets are going your way.
Cancer? Sucks donkey balls. Big, sweaty, stinky donkey balls.
WTF July???
I'm sorry to hear your news, Calli.
July can kiss my pasty white ass.
At this point I just want him to go quickly and as painlessly as possible.
This realization helped me through my dad's passing. I was prepared for it, and I made it through the storm a little steadier.
Calli, I'm so sorry about your dad's bad news.
There has got to be something more upbeat to talk about in here. Where's a necrophilic duck when you need it?