Drew, I'm so very sorry. If there's absolutely anything we can do, please ask. I don't care if you just need someone to make a quick phone call, one of us will get it done for you. In these situations, even the simplest of tasks can feel overwhelming. Let us know if you need us.
All my ~ma to you and yours.
Drew, all the ~ma in the world to you and your family.
This adult business sucks.
Sadly all too true. Much -ma, for as long as required.
((((Drew and family))))
And MM, don't feel guilty, above and beyond the fact that you had no way of knowing. You never know what someone needs at a time like this.
I'll repost it again, later.
~~~~~ma for you and your family, Drew.
Oh, Drew. ~ma to you all, and fingers crossed for your dad making it home one more time.
Drew, you and yours are in my thoughts.
MM, you better post it later!