Askye, good luck with the apartment.
Raq, I'm wishing these folks get their just deserts. Or desserts. Neither of those look right, but flaming dog poop sounds about right.
Nora, those pics made me smile all over my face, you both look so happy.
sj, I'm sorry about the hangover--is it adrenaline? I know what that feels like and it sucks. In any case, take care of you and feel better soon.
Nicole (hi! it's been forever!) isn't it odd how some part of our brain seems to know what we reeeeeally want to do? The perfect place will appear at the right time, I'll bet.
meara, how frustrating, both about the argument and the distance.
And Sox, stay strong. I don't envy you. A well-developed sense of responsibility can be our own worst enemy sometimes.
o_a, don't worry. The boxes will still be there when you're ready to tackle them again.
Suzi, I have no good advice, since I avoid anybody I knew in high school like the plague. And sites like facebook and myspace mystify me, because, why? Yes, I know I'm callous and strange. Okay--may all the people you liked in high school pounce on you with glee, and may the mean kids be nowhere in evidence.
Thanks, Beverly. I think it's a hormonal thing. My period is due in the next day or so. It feels worse this month.
Suzi, I have no good advice, since I avoid anybody I knew in high school like the plague.
Yeah, there is that. I've stayed in touch with a couple of people over the years, but there are a handfull of others I wish I had stayed in touch with. Those are the ones I found and friended - we will see what happens. With all the changes I have made so far this year, I'm also trying to be better about reaching out to people. Scary as crap, but I'm trying.
Heh, and then there's the frightening thing of getting some random person who looks vaguely familiar friending you. That happened to me. Didn't recognize the name, but assume it was her married name. Problem was the immediate sense of annoyance when I thought about who she was. Is my subconscious trying to tell me something?
Gah - I should have included my maiden name in the "add a message" thing. Drat it. And my current picture has me in full A's garb. I'm a total dork. Oh, well.
I got a friend request on Facebook on Friday night from a guy I barely knew in HS. And I accepted, and now he wants to get together. Dude! I barely remember you.
OTOH, it's not like I'm exactly overflowing with friends around here. And he's local, as it turns out, but not really since he's out in the burbs. Which, seriously, might as well be Oklahoma for all the likelihood of my ever going there.
Was this the townhouse you were looking at after lunch? Darn it. I want you closer.
I've decided to still go look at it - mostly because I didn't bring my gym bag to work with me anyway and now need a reason for why I'm not going to the gym if I cancel my appt - but I doubt I'll even take pics while I'm there. I want the commute for Mike and I to be equal, if possible, and this place just isn't.
The perfect place will appear at the right time, I'll bet.
Thanks, Bev. (HI! I MISS YOU!) I'm sure you're right.
Barb - we'll get pictures of these awesome shoes, yes? Preferably with a Barb wearing them, yes?
Maybe he can come visit you, Brenda. Or you can meet downtown for a drink. You never know what could be actual serious work of the PTB and what could just be the PTB version of a practical joke...
Hi, Sarah! Sorry you're not feeling better. We haven't chatted in a while. You available for a call?
Boy the timing of family matters can be annoying. I get paid tomorrow, but the plane fare I need is down to two seats. We borrowed a chunk of money from Hubby's sister, but we're still 12 dollars shy in the bank account to cover it. Banks are not known for "Oh, that's close enough" tendencies. Hubby just said, "I've got 20 in my wallet, I can go to the bank and put that in," but I want more than a couple of bucks in there in case the bank decides to process something obscure before my paycheck hits the account.
So, I wait for my paycheck to hit the account, then I head to Jet Blue's website and see if I can do it. Hubby is devasated at the idea of my not getting back for the funeral, but I can't see my mother being anything but outraged at my going into debt--even if it's to family--for this. Though she may be in the afterlife demanding I pay my respects regardless, I don't know.
If I can't make it, I can't make it. If my family holds my less than sterling financial liquidity against me, then I know how to qualify them among people I know. I'm at peace regardless. Though then I'd be confronted with the moral quandary of having three days of compassionate leave from work and no funeral to go to. Which could certainly be spent in home-based remembrance. Possibly spent over a nice cup of cappucino in a coffee shop somewhere.