It's the Winchester Luck.
I'm glad we are moved, though. It's nice to see Mal running around in a yard.
I'm just having some culture shock: all of our neighbors have stopped by and introduced themselves at various times. And while we were off-loading the truck on Saturday, yet another set of neighbors brought over a cooler with drinks for us! My shit is officially freaked out.
Freaky, but nice, Raq. I haven't met anyone else that lives in the apartments near us. I've seen people and nodded and such, but no actual conversations.
And while we were off-loading the truck on Saturday, yet another set of neighbors brought over a cooler with drinks for us!
That is a GREAT housewarming present. I'm going to keep that in mind.
Raq, what a nightmare! I'm glad you guys are out of that place.
Raq's last-minute move-helping friends: WIN
Raq's nice new neighbors: WIN
Raq's new place: WIN
Raq's shitty PMs at the old place: FAIL
My shit is officially freaked out.
That has happened to me on a couple of moves. It's a good sign. Last time my new next door neighbor had us over for ribs and booze after we moved in. Friendly neighbors rock.
That is sucky, Raq. Did you guys buy a place?
I'm just having some culture shock: all of our neighbors have stopped by and introduced themselves at various times. And while we were off-loading the truck on Saturday, yet another set of neighbors brought over a cooler with drinks for us! My shit is officially freaked out.
Oh, that's awesome! I love having neighbors.
Yay Raq's new neighbors, but DAMN on the property managers! And I feel really bad for the people who thought htey had a place to move into and were told "ooh, yeah, sorry, there's no place for your stuff to go when your moving truck arrives"
Raq, that was wayyyyy more interesting a weekend than I had. I'm glad you got great new neighbors - that's a definite win over the crap property managers.
There was some other stuff I meant to say, but the gronk is mightier than my brain.... oh, wait. It was about cats playing fetch. I've had a couple who did it. My experience tells me a cat dropping a toy at his human's feet is a bit more like a skeet shooter yelling "Pull!" than it is quite like playing fetch with a dog. There is a much more pronounced air of "Human, I require you to repeatedly use your opposable thumbs to cause this inanimate object to move in a fashion vaguely approximating the movement of prey so that I may enjoy a civilized recreation of the hunt" whereas with dogs it always seems more like, "Dude, I so want to chase this tennis ball some more but it's got my slobber all over it, which means that it's mine, and now I'm not sure if I wanna let go, but could you maybe throw it anyway, like, maybe while it is still in my mouth, please please please."