Sail, it was not a Danskin one, although there were some relay teams. There is a Danskin tri in NJ but I don't think there are any in PA. This one was a short sprint distance. Not quite .75k swim, more than a 20k bike, and a 5k run.
It did show me just how much work I need to do in the next 2 months before my olympic distance. (1.5k swim, 40k bike, 10k run or .9 mile, 25 mile, 6.2 mile) I am in awe of the people who can actually run for the run. I mostly walked. But I still finished!
I don't know why, but the response "Because fuck you, that's why!" in any situation will make me laugh.
Further bulletins as events allow.
I've known that there was never a chance of recovery from this. The cancer is in his brain, both lunch, liver, and lymph system.
Jesus, this sounds very similar to the situation that took my dad's best friend last Thanksgiving. By the time anyone knew about the cancer it was fucking EVERYWHERE. Ugh. One of the kids (who was in Spain at the time) missed her connection at Heathrow by minutes and was not there when he passed away. Heartbreaking. I'm glad you got there to see him, Drew. I hope he is able to spend the rest of his time here surrounded by love.
~ma to Connie- that's such a tough situation. Good luck getting through all the layers of family emotion and angst.
{{{ND}}} {{{Connie}}}
Shoot {{{{{{buffistas}}}}}
I had a pretty good weekend. Got more boxes unpacked, got a bit more organized. I had the pleasure of having lunch with Nicole and her man. He got to meet my kids and he didn't run screaming, so that is pretty good, right?
I've been at work for almost two hours, am on my second cup of tea, and no one else in the group is in yet.
Random cute kitteh
Bless! Bless the kitty! Clearly it has species disphoria, and thinks it's a dog. Bless!
I have a migraine. No fun. I've been getting them more often lately, which I think can be blamed on one of my new meds, which I'll have to talk to my doctor about.
Hi everybody. Sympathy, compassion, and chainsaws if needed to connie and ND.
We moved this weekend. We didn't mean to, but Thursday night the realtor who's been showing our rental TH rang our doorbell in a flat panic. Seems she'd found new renters, who had signed the lease and paid their deposit on June 27, and were going to be arriving with a truck full of stuff from New York on Monday.
Nobody had bothered to tell us.
I can't decide if our property managers are just that dumb, or just that criminal. They were honestly surprised that we were staying through the end of the month. We said, "But you cashed our rent check for the full month...on July 5."
They might have been trying to get double rent for half the month, who knows.
We explained that we still had over 10,000 lbs of stuff in the TH, and with 48 hours notice we could not move out and meet the terms of the lease, which include a professional cleaning.
No answer. So we put out the call for friends to help us move, and maybe to help us move bodies.
I'll skip the rest of the weekend's hell, but we got totally moved out of the TH, and the PMs decided they couldn't waive the terms of the lease, so we have the TH until the end of the month. I can only hope they are losing major money regarding the new tenants.
Holy shit, Raq, that's insane.
Yikes, Raq! What a firedrill.
Poor Raq. You are so frequently being bedeviled. And you don't deserve it, no!