Great news on the nephew front, sj.
Thanks everyone, I'm just trying to get back to that okay space I was in about a month ago.
The irony is the alternative school I want to get her into has low scores due to their not teaching the tests AT ALL, just administering them (which I have issues w/ but...). Of course, the scores are no worse than the school she'll probably be attending in Sept. I just... I'd rather not have to pull her from her K class, but virtually all the schools we are interested in have said to me that it would be unlikely she'd get in before October. I understand why LAUSD has it set up this way (they need to ensure spaces for local kids first and foremost), I just think it's deeply wrong to make kindergarteners switch schools a month after entering school for the first time.
secret MAC storage facility underneath it, with a vault of albums from the 80's.
Daniel, just do realize when I say MAC, it's always, ALWAYS the makeup line, and never the computer?
Actually I did realize it was the makeup line.
I was just amused and making an attempt at humor.
References to the computer should never be all caps. [/Apple Fangirl]
There seems to be no way to quote a pseudo html tag in a sentence now that we can't use
t blockquote
It's my day off and I have to produce answers to several pages of my yearly self review" forms for work by today.
Never mind that all thy did was take the official employer review forms and rename them.
Never mind that they never did self reviews until this week.
Never mind that my position doesn't really have much time in a day but to answer the phone and help people...
Never mind that I was given this sheet last week on my day off, and I did not see it until I got to work, then worked 8 straight days, 10 hours a day plus 2 hours travel time each day.
Nope. Gotta have it in by Friday the 11th, slacker.
More good news: T passed her teaching test! She can start to applying for teaching jobs!
ETA: She thanks everyone for the ~ma.
Oh Daniel, that sucks. But it's becoming more and more typical, I think. No one values the worker, anymore.
sj, happy to hear the good news for your nephew and congrats to T on passing the teaching test.
(I am on vacation - I checked my work email addy and an appt for my annual review is up. I always dread the thing, but at least I don't have to write it.)
My motivation supplies for the week have run out. So I think I will post some toddler picspam. I wish this office had hammocks. I want a nap.