Well, hell! Barb, welcome. And I *do* kinda know you, although not on LJ.
I've (a) bought 2 copies of Adios for my classroom library, and (b) I think I "know" you from a couple of sites I lurk at -- either smartbitches or Bam's site.
The internet, she is teeny....
Yay, omnis!!! Home sweet sticky humid home.
Oh, man, Tep, you had to go and remind me (a) how much I love Lyle Lovett, and (b) despite (a), I own absolutely nothing of his, not one single song. What is the matter with me?
(b) despite (a), I own absolutely nothing of his, not one single song. What is the matter with me?
Girlie, I distinctly remember burning you all the Lyle Lovett I had, lo these many years ago (possibly before you moved into your current abode). Wha' happened?
I finally met my neighbor upstairs. She's a single mom with two kids (one preteen and one teen, I think)and seems very nice.
Hey Barb, Kate is wonderful...and I owe her some chapters. I'm just woefully low-self-esteemy about them right now.
I have matzo ball soup simmering on the stove. Slept all day, and still feel like I could sleep some more. Stupid sick.
Also got six new bras from Victoria's Secret because today was the last day of the semi-annual sale. Hoping they all fit.
Also got six new bras from Victoria's Secret because today was the last day of the semi-annual sale. Hoping they all fit.
Hi, Allyson! Were you able to figure out which style you were looking for?
I am so gronkified. I went to bed at about 6 am, woke up at ? from a dream that involved a Viggo Mortensen/Nathan Fillion hyrbid guy helping me clean up snow while I flew (don't ask me, I dunno either), fell beck into sleep with an EXTREMEL disturbing dream involving Lady Heather of CSI, a weird voodoo ritual that involved someone masturbating on my head and ME growing a penis, and then walking into a steel mill to find they had a secret MAC storage facility underneath it, with a vault of albums from the 80's.
Now I'm supposed to stay the night at a friends so I can take her and her bf to the sirport at 6:30 in the morning, and then I have a detist appt. at 11:30.
I slept for 12 hours! How am I supposed to fall asleep enough to take them to the airport, and then make my appt. 5 hours later.
The insomniac logistics, they are confusing.
Need. coffee.
I couldn't remember so I got a couple of IPEX and a few different kinds of Infinity Edge.
I think part of the problem is that the almost daily workouts have changed my body shape a little bit and my current bras aren't fitting right.