ION, huge thanks for all your support yesterday. I knew the situation would be stressy but I really hadn't anticipated how I would react to the whole thing.
And because nothing can ever be uncomplicated it seems, the surgery has been put off while they biopsy some lumps around the injury site. Gah.
Can we get video of you singing "I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and gay! And I pity any girl who isn't me today."??
I'd watch that, repeatedly. I do think that dressing nice for pictures of the event would be best. Also, we should have a preview of the shoes. Congrats once again. I know you have been together for a long time, but really it is 'bout time ya made honest women of each other.
Can we get video of you singing "I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and gay! And I pity any girl who isn't me today."??
Ok, guess what just came on my iPod. Spoooooooky.
{{{{{Brenda}}}}} I wish there was something I could do.
aiyi, Brenda, the pets and their problems. I hope they are nothing. (Has she had fatty tumours before? My dog has/had those. I think it's not uncommon.)
I *love* getting a chance to pimp Barb's books.
Someone I read on LJ was talking about how she was looking for a YA book with a non-white female lead that was happy and cheerful rather than depressing. (This was a few months ago.)
I, of course, put on the purple velvet and gold chains and said, Hey! Check these out. (The reader read and enjoyed. Toaster for me!)
Oh, ugh, Brenda. I hope it's nothing.
{{{Brenda}}} I hope everything is ok.
My sister read
and LOVED it.
Fingers and paws crossed, Brenda.
Oh, Brenda. Much ~ma headed your way.