So, I have a question for our lawyers.
I'm seriously considering LoveBug Pet Care for the name of my new pet care business. I've done some checking around the Internet, and there are a bunch of other companies that use the name in some fashion (a wedding invitation company, different craft products, etc.). What do we think are the chances of someone coming after me for it?
ETA: The logo would be something with my purple lady bug, so...nothing like Herbie.
My thought exactly. *insert evil smile*
You should hear them now.
Heh heh heh heh heh...
What do we think are the chances of someone coming after me for it?
Low. I see some Lovebugs in the TM database, but (skimming) nothing about pet care, etc.
Happy Birthday, Sox!!
::passes Barb a whip to crack::
Happy Birthday, Sox!!! I hope you have a fabulous day!
Awww - thank you!
Iris this morning: "And you know what's even better than birthdays? Water Balloons!! (guess what they're doing at camp today)" I agreed, but even then, she wouldn't give me a hug this morning (SNIFFFFF) "because I am out of hugs and only have two kisses. And they're for daddy."
We're going to an outdoor concert tonight at the Arboretum - if we get there in time, there's a free beer tasting. And Iris' godparents are making up for Iris... including a JibJab card that has her godfather's face singing about death and my grave and stuff. It's really really funny.
Many happy returns of the day, Sox!
Happy, happy birthday, Sox! Eat some cake for me!