No fair! She already has the meara named after her. (The quote and response thing. She started it. Back in the before time, on TT or WX or sommat. Point being, she already has a ...thing...named after her.)
Hah! I will not be greedy. I will just rant. Eventually. When I am home. Currently, I am in the Dallas...which may possibly be worthy of a rant in itself, were it not for the fact that I have internet access...
So I loved the Meara before I even met the Meara and then when I met Meara I really loved both
Aww. And I love the javachik! And the coffee-java (hey, it's a reason to move to seattle! along with the weather! which people think is insane, but seriously people--it rains because it's not cold enough to snow! Think about it!!!), I might've been a little crazy today. What with the 4:30AM-my-body-time start of the work meeting. And the forced playing of work-trivia "family feud" style. Wherein the extreme amounts of caffeine I had ingested meant I was cheering loudly and yelling "GO TEAM FOUR!" and yelling for the one man on our team (who had previously identified his strength as "sexy") as "GO MISTER SEXY!"
Glory Box – Portishead listed this as an UPBEAT song, Billytea??
my mother finally 'fessed up that she's seeing my dad again.
OOooh! Now that's some family drama!!!
The picture of Squeakaboo giving me The Look is only slightly less funny than her doing it in person, y'all!
Much peace~ma for your family, Tamara. So sorry for your loss.
My friend got some good photos of the kids this past weekend. Including this one
Cash, Olivia is (1) FAR too grown to actually be the baby girl I remember, and (b) sooooo pretty!!!
(Also, and I know this sounds weird, could I Photoshop that deck picture for you? I've been teaching myself Photoshop techniques for a couple of months, and that picture is just perfect for some color boosting.)
(If that's okay with you, OF COURSE.)
We have to leave for the airport in 2.5 hours. Ask me if I've packed ANYTHING. No, wait, don't. Please don't.
Half of what I want to pack had to be washed this morning and has to hang dry. I stuck it in the California sun and have been praying to the sun gods to dry FASTER for the last two hours.
{{Tamara}} All my sympathy to your family. Peace~ma to your aunt.
What a bummer, Barb. I hope all further revisions are quick (if not painless.)
{{{Tamara}}} Sympathies to you and yours.
Oh, yay, another Rachel Maddow guest host for Countdown! I'd love it if she and Keith ended up co-hosting a show.
Glory Box – Portishead listed this as an UPBEAT song, Billytea??
Hee. It didn't really fit properly into any of the categories, and the Misc Disc was already full. Wallybee doesn't much like it anyway, so I may have to replace it.
{{{Tamara}}} I'm so sorry for you and your family.
(Also, and I know this sounds weird, could I Photoshop that deck picture for you? I've been teaching myself Photoshop techniques for a couple of months, and that picture is just perfect for some color boosting.)
Experiment away!
I have my 8th graders write a research paper in my drama class (on a topic about theatre history). Turns out, it's a good thing as one of the language arts teachers does NOT teach how to write them.
I also have my 7th graders give a speech where research is required and they have to document their findings much like a research paper. I do that to prepare them for the paper in 8th grade.