I'm with Nora - get the ultrasound. and talk to you doctor about the health insurance plan.
We just had to switch plans this month. Snafu due to some how DH and I being put into they system as being born in 1919.
Off to the vet ina few to learn to shoot the cat.
Also, WTF is up with switching health care plans all willy nilly like that? TWICE in a YEAR? Is this the doings of the incompetant boss wife-HR lady?
Yup. Anything to save a buck. And don't get me wrong -- like I said, they pay our whole premium -- but Big!Boss's daughter (who works here and is thus covered) ran into a problem with some surgery her husband had, like they had to pay thousands out of pocket. So I'm thinking that was the catalyst to change. Woo.
I hate health insurance in this country - it's just all fucked up.
And changing insurance twice a year just adds to the craxy.
And changing insurance twice a year just adds to the craxy.
We started the year with Anthem, switched in February to this weird plan that no one ever heard of, and July apparently will be Aetna.
I'm betting that by October we're on to a plan where our medical coverage is just some dude with a car trunk full of rusty hand saws and NyQuil.
Happy Birthday, askye!
Scrappy, I hope your doggie feels better soon. (Mine is now holding court in the front yard, while I sit on the porch with the 'puter.)
Get the test done, Steph. At least the person looking at the results will be someone you trust, not a new-to-you doc.
When comic worlds collide (Or Two Lumps Does Dinosaurs): [link]
OH CRAP! I'm sorry, I totally forgot to call you this weekend, MM. Sorry. I was in Redlands all weekend, visiting with family in from out of town.
Excuses, excuses, you fucking fuck.
We started the year with Anthem, switched in February to this weird plan that no one ever heard of, and July apparently will be Aetna.
IME with Aetna, some of their plans are very inclusive, and some not. My office offers two versions of their dental plan - one which includes practically every dentist in the city, and one which includes maybe three. It's craxy.
IME with Aetna, some of their plans are very inclusive, and some not.
I know that can happen, so I just did an end run around Aetna and called my OB/GYN, and she's not on any of Aetna's plans.
I take some comfort that my super-amazing godlike primary-care doctor is on Aetna. For *him* I would pay massive out-of-network fees if I had to.