:: looks for coin slot to send money thru intertubes ::
Very productive, omnis. You deserve a nap. Or at least a sit down on the couch.
Ya, that's what I'm doing. Why am I watching Anapolis? Not a big boxing fan. I should be in bed. sigh. cest la vie
o_a! Go to bed! This is an order!
Birthday Happies to Askye!
Fay, are you feeling better? I hope so.
So why is it that WRITING a list works better than TYPING a list?
For me, it's because typing is done on the computer, where the internets live. I start making the list and then I have to spend "just a few minutes catching up on things," and before I know it three hours have passed and I have accomplished NOTHING.
Happy Birthday, Askye!!
The best part about having a party with two much food is that I shouldn't need to cook for the next two days. Even breakfast is easily taken care of by heating up a piece of fritatta or strata. Which is good, because I am exhausted.
I am currently trying to convince myself that I will feel better if I drag myself to the farmer's market (today is it's first day of the season) rather than saying home thinking about how tired I am.
it's just crippling horrible abdominal pain.
Bleh, I'm sorry, Tep. I hope you're feeling better today.
Aims, did you see Daniel Radcliff on the Tony Awards last night? I'm just watching them now because TCG was watching basketball last night.
I DID NOT!!! Boooo!!
What did he do?
Also, rec'd the package. Elizabeth Regina is currently living on my night stand next to my bed. MWAH!!!