The Boy has overheard me leaving messages -- for people I've known a long time, like my best friend, etc. -- and asked me when I was finished, "Why don't you just write down ahead of time what you want to say?"
The problem is when I get voicemail and wasn't expecting it. When confronted with voicemail, I can't think on my feet.
I wrote a little bullet-point list
I try to remember to do this when it's important but
The problem is when I get voicemail and wasn't expecting it
I turn into a drooling, babbling idiot
Brunch people just left. It was lots of fun, everyone seemed to like the food, and now I'm going to go collapse on the couch.
If I have any clue I am going to leave a message, I do rehearse it in my head a few times. I adore the voicemail dealies where they have the option to re-record, on account of the drooling, babbling thing.
hooray for successful brunch!
I'm kinda double posting this here and in Natter, but I finally uploaded photos from, oh, the past year or so just so I could upload photos from the recital yesterday. With luck, the link will work and everyone can see my little kitty.
It was so much fun, first getting to see her along with all the experienced dancers, then watching her as she watched the second half of the show. She loved it!
Oh, Burrell, your kids are so freakin' BIG and awesomely cute.
OMG, ded from the cute! How adorable!
WOW! She is a beauty, Burrell. I can't believe how big she is!
Thanks, I am in super proud mom mode right now.