sj, if I get in the car now will you save me an espresso brownie?
You better be quick. I'm not sure if they're even going to last until the party. They just came out of the oven, and they smell heavenly. They're super easy to make too. You just add one shot of coffee liquer (I used coffee brandy) and three tablespoons of instant espresso to whatever brownie mix your using. I baked them in those little star shaped foil things they sell, so that they look like cupcakes and they're already split into servings for tomorrow.
I think you're probably driving your upstairs neighbors CRAXY with all those good smells from your kitchen, sj.
I think you're probably driving your upstairs neighbors CRAXY with all those good smells from your kitchen, sj.
I don't think they're fully moved in yet. They haven't been here all week. They were here this morning and now appear to be gone again. I'm pretty sure they are actually moving in because they had oil delivered, their name is on the mailbox, and the "For Rent" sign is down. I just don't know when. We should probably introduce ourselves next time their here, but everytime we hear them, we're in our pj's.
Happy Birthday, Dylan!!! I can't believe he's already a year old. Crazy fast growing babies!
Happy birthday to Dylan!!
So many congrats to K-Bug and to Suzi!
Woo hoo, vw, for the sex-ay sleepover!
I like good news.
Oh! And Happy Birthday to Javachik, too!
it happens pretty often that a parent will try to circumvent the Rated R guidelines by purchasing tickets for their under-17-year-olds. Today I noticed a mom buying three tickets for a group of four and when I questioned her about it she said she was going but that one of her girls was not. Well I just kicked the three pre-teen girls out of The Strangers only to have them come back two minutes later with some random older guy they just met in the lobby. I wonder if their mother would approve of this.
It's Dylan's birthday?! Wow! Happy Birthday, Dylan! How time flies!
Happy Birthday, Javachick! Wow! Good day!
Laga, backflung.
Birthday happies Dylan and Javachick!
and thanks for putting up with my inqisitive nature, vw.
Birthday happies Dylan and Javachick!
What she said.
There are two kinds of men who get into my line of work - the creepy kind, and the kind who are wonderful at it - smart, funny, kind, hardworking, compassionate, creative, just not in a lucrative line of work so either working two jobs or dirt poor. One of the non-creepy guys I work with is single, 40ish, says he is ready to settle down but has no desire to hang out in bars trolling, but hasn't met any single women he could date. He was feeling discouraged, and I tried to extol the wonders of online dating, but he hasn't got a computer at home. Are there any sites that would be more convenient than others for accessing at the library?