I've finally gotten all of the info for the online course. Yeah, this is way too much work for way too little money. I don't think I'll be doing it again. What I didn't understand initially was that the course is over August 24th, but I am not. Unless I can finish all 15 LONG narrative final assessments by then, I will be writing them as I start teaching again. Grr. Argh. I start new faculty training on August 20th, which means I'll need to be back at school in meetings and getting my classroom ready for at least a few days before. Holy work overlap, Batman.
Okay. That absolutely sucks. I wonder if you can start writing the long narratives within the next 3 or so weeks and then just tweak as necessary.
I had a meeting for summer school last night. I forgot that there are very few people as invovled in their kids education as a Korean mother. And an entire room full of them? Way overwhelming.
Hi folks. Drive-by waving.
We has a house!
Now the work starts.
I wonder if you can start writing the long narratives within the next 3 or so weeks and then just tweak as necessary.
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking I'm going to have to do. You wouldn't believe the length of the friggin'
feedback emails I have to send to each family. I can't even believe I have to send a long narrative at the end, too. I'll figure it out; I'm just annoyed.
Thanks to road closures, my commute has gone from 65 to 137 miles, today. This damn rain better stop soon or I'm going to have to quit this job just from the cost of gas.
I can't even believe I have to send a long narrative at the end, too. I'll figure it out; I'm just annoyed.
I'm so lazy that I'd be tempted to just compile the weekly emails and slightly reword.
Yay on the house, Raq.
"As was noted in week one [insert key points from email]. Progress on [email email email] in week two improved even more by week three [email] but as was observed in week four [more email]. Goodbye!"
Thanks to road closures, my commute has gone from 65 to 137 miles, today. This damn rain better stop soon or I'm going to have to quit this job just from the cost of gas.
Have you started gathering animals in pairs yet?
Have you considered taking a duck to work?
Tom, we're not even allowed to bring DOGS to work!
At this point, I think I may just buy a pair of water-wings and swim.