What a rip-off. I should get time and a half.
Shame you can't make that happen.
I have worked both a 5/4 and a 4/10 schedule, and I liked both. I think you end up with as much or more time at home, because you can run errands on Friday. Also, there's one fewer day of getting ready for work and one fewer day of commuting.
I've finally gotten all of the info for the online course. Yeah, this is way too much work for way too little money. I don't think I'll be doing it again. What I didn't understand initially was that the course is over August 24th, but
am not. Unless I can finish all 15 LONG narrative final assessments by then, I will be writing them as I start teaching again. Grr. Argh. I start new faculty training on August 20th, which means I'll need to be back at school in meetings and getting my classroom ready for at least a few days before. Holy work overlap, Batman.
When I work a holiday, I get full holiday pay PLUS time and a half. Nice, that. Maybe that's what the caller was used to.
BWAH! MM, I just read your FC post. Oh. My. God. People are too stupid to live.
So far today:
- Called property management, they will be e-mailing me the lease shortly
- I called the scrap metal place and arranged to bring my dead gear and cable in on Monday
- watched (2) SG-1 episodes.
The apartment looks non-the- better. I dunno why. Makes no sense.
Hopefully the scrap place will take all the crap. That will free up a BIG corner of my apartment for boxes!
Is moving one of Dante's rings of Hell? It should be.
As someone who had to wade through, cull through, and pack ten years of her own and her husband's lives, I will say that your apartment will get much more crowded before it gets emptier. I'm not sure why, it just does. I would suggest being very very strict with yourself and start putting things under the FREE section of Craigslist and if you can find a freecycle group in the LB area - list stuff and have it carted away.
My basioc rule of thumb was that if noone had touched it in 6 months, it didn't get moved to Michigan.
omnis! I'm about to email you with info on your new hood!
the great thing about my neighborhood, there are a TON of dumpster divers. You put something in the alley, and it's snagged within a day or so. No need to wait on folks to come and not take something away.