coffee shop Good
found a friend/neighbor that had a daabetic cat - so I have help Good
went to bike shop to get bike bike not ready - not tragic but bad
went to pick up drugs new insurance not working BAD
grocery store not bad/not good
gas 11.000 more that I when I last filled it bad
Tivo - not connecting -- some how it is unplugged from network and I must go fishing Bad
call from drugstore --insurance co has my date of birth as 1919 weird --and also - they know it is wrong but they don't ask us to correct it until I go to use the card BAD
and I still get to bring the cat to the vet at 3
I'm having fun talking about my fiancee today. Also playing with my gorgeous new bracelet. This week is made of win!
Glam has a fiancee. Who wants to count how many times she drops that casually into conversation?
But of course, the first Friday I have off, I'll change my tune, and I'll start posting about how FUCKING GREAT it is to have 3-day weekends. Because I'm whimsical hypocritical like that.
I'm looking forward to a full summer of "YAY THURSDAY" followed by "OMGWTFMONDAY" posts by La Tep.
(The wine in question was going to be thrown out, so instead our office manager let it go for a trivia question. I have no idea how drinkable any of it's going to be - white wine isn't generally known for aging well, and these were stored in a filing cabinet, not a cellar...for 10 years...)
If it's not too awful, using it for cooking could be an option, but checking it before lugging it might be good too.
romantic jazzy hold music
ooohhh DH's birtdate also 1919
But of course, the first Friday I have off, I'll change my tune, and I'll start posting about how FUCKING GREAT it is to have 3-day weekends. Because I'm whimsical hypocritical like that.
I'm looking forward to a full summer of "YAY THURSDAY" followed by "OMGWTFMONDAY" posts by La Tep.
You know me too well.