Whoa Kristin, you are teaching an online class to kids in elementary school?! That's kinda blowing my mind. What software are you using for the class?
I have a friend who has done all kinds of research into how to help students access age-appropriate resources online (like at what ages can they start manipulating which search engines, at what age do they start learning how to use blogs, etc).
In meme news, I spent the afternoon at The Huntington Library and Gardens, one of my favorite places in the world. We've been members since last year, and I renewed the membership today. I feel so wonderfully rested and relaxed. The weather was absolutely perfect--about 80 in the sun, but with a nice light breeze that cooled the air. Sitting in the gardens, I finished reading the second of the three books I'll be teaching starting next week.
Oh, I love it there! Good luck with teaching the online class. I'm sure you'll do fine.
Whoa Kristin, you are teaching an online class to kids in elementary school?! That's kinda blowing my mind. What software are you using for the class?
Yep. I'm not sure about the software. It's through CTY online, though, here: [link]
This is the course I'm teaching: [link]
I have a friend who has done all kinds of research into how to help students access age-appropriate resources online (like at what ages can they start manipulating which search engines, at what age do they start learning how to use blogs, etc).
t perks up ears
Is any of this online? I'm working on putting together computer-usage lessons and haven't found much useful thus far.
I don't know, DebetEsse, but I could ask him. We were putting together a panel proposal recently and when he coughed up that info I thought to myself 1) I am totally outclassed here, and 2) I like having super smart friends.
Got pseudo stood up/(series of unfortunate events)-ed
Why won't my wine bottle open.
Okay, WAY TMI regarding gastrointestinal distress of the me variety:
ever since I got home from the gym (not quite 5 hours ago), I've pooped about 6 times. Accompanied by lots of stomach pain. Well, the pain is constant low-level discomfort right up until time to go again, at which point it becomes painful.
Also, this is not standard texture/color/etc., but it's not what I would call runny enough (sorry) to be diarrhea. It....lacks structural integrity, but isn't watery, if that makes any sense.
You don't even want to KNOW what search terms I've run through Google.
So I've been drinking a lot of watered-down Gatorade b/c I don't want to get dehydrated, and because my stomach hurts too much to eat solid food (other than some plain egg noodles a little bit ago).
My plan is to keep drinking Gatorade and go to bed (and hope everything remains chilled out) and see how things are in the morning. Versus going to Urgent Care right now. I don't see what they could do; it's probably (1) a bug of some sort, (2) a sudden coup in my intestines, or (3) stress. They would just hydrate me, which I got covered.
I guess....is there an OTC med I could/should take to make my guts calm down? (Each time I run to the bathroom, I'm *sure* it has to be the last time, because there's nothing in there but Gatorade. And yet there's always more.)
I hate to send The Boy out to the store for Pepto-Bismol, you know? Especially if I can just sleep this off.
All right, I know that was disgusting, but sometimes I *ask* medical questions, not just answer them. Sorry.
Steph, I would get ahold of some Pepto. If you do that much longer you're going to end up seriously dehydrated and need IV fluids.
YAY, GC! How exciting!
Hey, babe, we are all about the overshare. I wish that I had some advice to give you.