You'll all have to pardon me, I'm a little verklempt.
My mom and dad just pooled their airline miles and managed to get two round trip flights for Drew and me to go home to New England this summer. I couldn't have afforded to go otherwise, and I'm kind of happy/weepy about their generosity.
whether to have a beer or a margarita?
Oh, no, it's always beer.
Go margarita! Choose margarita!
Sorry, Cash.
No, the quandary is what to do with two hours. It's not enough to see a movie (plus, if I go see Indy without her, she'll likely throw me into a specially constructed room filled with tiles that trigger a shower of poison darts to make me look like an arsenic pin-cushion just before the whole room caves in on me). It seems kinda stoopid to go get Da Punk then pick her up, because it's essentially a go home, go to work, go home AGAIN trip...
I could go to a bar, I suppose...
Awww, Kristin. That's sweet.
Aims, that's PSYCHOTIC.
I don't know what my badges would say. Pharmacology Is Not Pharmacy; Yes, I Know Biochemistry and English Is an Interesting Combination; I Would Make Out with You If I Weren't So Neurotic; Also It Would Please My Mom If You Weren't a White Caucasian She-Devil.
Maybe there are more.
Mmmm, have you guys eaten the Everything Crackers from Trader Joes? SO GOOD! Especially with TJ spicy hummus.
Joe, go see Iron Man (again, I'm assuming).
Joe, go see Iron Man (again, I'm assuming).
I kinda think she wants to see that.
Maybe I'll just go wander downtown.
'cause I don't wanna stick around here...
I am getting the stink eye from kitty after her vet visit this morning. In between crazy grooming "GET THE STINK OFF OF ME!"
Lunch with the communications person from the surgical center was good. We bonded over being wordnerds; she coaches a high school's boy's tennis team, and when they persist in saying things like "Me and Bob went to the store," she makes them do push-ups.
Grammar boot camp!
I'm in a better mood than I was this morning. Just getting moving helped, as did the nerdiana. (Or, perhaps, it's just that my mood swings swung upward, and I'm due for a crash. I'd like to think not, though.)
Now I'd like to ponder why 63 degrees and cloudy is SO MUCH COLDER than 63 and sunny. Jesus, I'm freezing my ass off!
Will throw in laundry and go to the gym imminently. I hope the activity warms me up.
Kristin, that's wonderful news! So sweet of your parents!
The rug guys finally showed up! So now I can pick up my comics and have a fun afternoon with thessaly.
I am getting the stink eye from kitty after her vet visit this morning. In between crazy grooming "GET THE STINK OFF OF ME!"
I miss those days.
Steph, I tried the Cabernet PotRoast you mentioned for dinner last night, and it was darn good.