Is it the "he likes me/he likes me not" flipping that's making your stomach oogly?
No. It's more the, "OMG! I have no idea what I'm doing! I'm certainly going to fuck this up!" I think. But, I can't be sure.
I know he likes me. I'm not quite sure why he likes me, but that's my brain, and I know that.
Also, WS is funny. And, apparently, we have carpenter ants. I'M SICK OF BUGS!
So...yesterday? I went to the doctor with my gay work boyfriend. HIV pos. We've decided that AIDS jokes will still be funny, and that there's no crying at the bar.
Thanks for all the nice thoughts and words. I think I'm done freaking out now.
Also, who wants to see my new tattoo?
Aww, crap, DJ. Ongoing hugs.
(And yes to the tat, in a total mood-shift)
Oh, DJ, I'm so sorry. Much love to you and your friend.
And yes! Tattoo!
Courtesy of Comic Book Boyfriend (Artwork) and Gay Work Boyfriend (JPG). My brand new tatto!
May not be work safe (boobies)
Ugh, DJ. Ongoing ~ma for your friend.
Oh, that's very cool, DJ!
DJ - much ~ma for your friend.
{{{{DJ & Friend}}}}
Splendid tat design, though.