In completely separate news, I was at Target trying on clothes, and ended up trying on and then buying a MATERNITY top. Because it looked exactly like all the other shit they were selling (empire waist and all), except it was in a pretty color (bright green). (this,only it looks better on me, because it makes me look cleavagey, and um, not pregnant) And it's my perfect green color)
Target's maternity stuff does that to me all the time - I spot something in a really nice fabric or design and then realize I've strayed over the line from the regular clothes. Whoever designs their stuff needs to branch out.
Oh, I meant to share this and forgot. So, CBD is a fairly non-practicing Jew, but his one token thing he does is not eat pork. Except for bacon because bacon is just too good on too many things. Totally cracked me up.
I'll try not to be all "CBD likes carrots!" too much longer. Really.
But you *can* be "CBD likes bacon!"
Nay, you MUST!
Bouncy!vw is adorable. And "CBD likes bacon" is a must.
I have been at work for 30 minutes and I don't feel like my brain is seeping out my ears. Yet. Yay?
The Cat Who Walked into My Apartment.
Totally enjoyed that, P-C.
Cats are very high up on the sentience scale, but can't read addresses well.
And they don't care.
Cats usually operate on the assumption that they're in charge, so does it really matter where they go or who the servant in residence is?
Ok, people. We've got to step up the chatting. I'm having way too much time to think.
That's the way of it, Toddson. I had a cat once, who would let herself into the neighbor's house through a broken screen window, and proceed to romp throughout the house, playing with the eleven-year-old girl, and receiving treats. Aside from the first time, when they were rather startled because they hadn't known the window was broken, they enjoyed the visits. Their lease precluded having pets of their own, but the girl wanted a cat. As it was just visiting, they need not worry about trouble with the landlord, and the girl got to play with a cat.
Another set of neighbors told me that they had been feeding my cat their leftover meat, because she looked so sad and hungry. I grinned and told them that we did feed her, but had bought a different brand of food on sale and she didn't like it, so they were being played.
vw, are you thinking thinky thoughts, or are you thinking CBD thoughts? Or worse yet, thinky thoughts about CBD?