They were sweet (well, the dog was; the lizard was freaky in that penetrating-stare kind of way they have, and the kitty was a freak in that Siamese way), but we just SO didn't have the room.
I just bought David Attenborough's new doco,
Life in Cold Blood.
I'm looking forward to much reptilian goodness.
Burrell, I'm pretty sure Landmark is the rebranding of est. I only know one person who's done it, and he's...not doing much to recommend it. I mean, he pimps it endlessly, but he's no shining example of the great good work it does.
If you already called and left a message for the owner you should probably keep track of the cat until she/he gets back to you.
It's a cult.
It''s like...shoot, I feel like Sean talked about having gone one time? They break you down, and talk about how you learned all wrong, and you need to re-learn how to communicate with everyone in your life and how to know who you are and all that jazz? EST, or something like that, in the 70s or whatever? And then after they have you all broken down and rebuilt up and then they get you to pay more and more money to do better and more important and specialer seminars, etc etc?
EST is back?
ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha
Do they let them pee nowadays? Or do they still make them hold it?
P-C, the last time that happened to my parents, they kept the cat. 'Course, there was no collar...but she was
somebody's cherished pet. (We're thinking the somebodies in question must have moved, or maybe a little old lady passed away or something, because the wee cat just appeared out of nowhere, never seen before, and moved in.)
I wouldn't worry unduly, whichever route you choose to follow - if you let the cat out, it'll find its way home if it wants to go home. But the phoning-owners thing should work out fine - cats enjoy having minions to do the strenuous legwork. It's all good.
My sister did Landmark for awhile.She got some good out of it, but wasn't able to deal with the hard sell part of it. And it did open her eyes to somethings she was doing to herself.
Do they let them pee nowadays? Or do they still make them hold it?
That's part of the changes. They don't encourage you to leave the room, but it was more realistic in how it dealt with those kinds of issues --
Do they let them pee nowadays? Or do they still make them hold it?
....the fuck?
Okay, as an educator I'm going to go out on a limb and say that they're full of shit*, just on that alone. 'Cause, yeah, SURE you can concentrate on learning when you're in pain/discomfort/worried about pissing yourself in public. Yep. Great learning tool.
Okay, First World Woes: The Year 5 (Grade 4) kids got my order wrong!
They're doing a business project at the minute, which means that lots of wee groups have various different money-making schemes in progress. Some are selling home-baked cookies in the break, some are running craft activities in the break for younger kids, and some industrious and enterprizing souls decided to target the teachers, and get Starbucks to deliver, and take a percentage. Yesterday I got a latte with sugarfree vanilla, and it was good. Today the kid taking orders showed up in the middle of a lesson and I quickly told her what I wanted (same again) ...but now it has arrived, and it is a...I don't even know what it is. A melted-icecream looking thing. Like a frappucino, without any coffee. And, as one tentative slurp informed me, chock full of sugar.
I suppose that really I should complain, as that would be good business experience. But she's only 9, bless her, and she's working her arse off on this project. Still, I am sorry that I have an expensive creamy thing that I can't eat sitting there being full of sugar. (Honestly, even without Atkins, I just can't hack suger in drinks any more. Tastes icky, makes me feel like ass.)
Also, my diamond-soled shoes are pinching!
...*er, no pun intended
I feel like Sean talked about having gone one time?
That was me. It was an interesting experience for me, to be sure. I was quite glad I was equipped with the tools to understand what they were doing to me as they were doing it.