my typos are here to make people laugh
so far I have taken the cat to the vet . had coffee. ate bread. napped. post on my blog. ate brie. read the internets. (including stuff about cats I didn't need to read) knocked a few things off TIVO.
not what I would call productive
Oh, DJ, that's so shitty. I'm so sorry.
Just heard from my temp agency, and I start a 3 week position on Monday. Not what I was hoping for, but at this point, I'll take it!
I'm sorry for the craptastic day, DJ.
Y'all are much more well groomed than I, or maybe I'm just more appointment averse. Every time I get my brows plucked I swear to myself that I'll keep it up, and then two more years go by before I get around to getting them plucked again. (See my brows I can't shave, or wax for that matter, but I can handle the rest of it on my own.)
I think that reading about cats, eating bread and helping to clear space in the tivo are VITALLY importrant.
{{{DJ + DJ's friend.)
I've been playing on ravelry looking for free patterns.
I told him I'd buy him alcohol after I get off (he's already at home). We were cracking jokes at lunch and in the car after, but now that he's at home and I'm here. I feel like punching things and he's probably crying in the bathtub alone.
well, it was cat diseases. that is almost as bad as reading about human diseases
Does she have a clinic or office here in SF? I would dearly like to go for a bikini wax, but have heard nothing but nightmares from friends here who have tried several places. One friend went home bleeding and bruised.
Oh yeah! She's at Vierra and Friends in Cole Valley. Only a couple of days a week right now because she's in nursing school. The number is 415-665-9335. Her name is Laurel.
Definitely say I sent you!! And that you are a friend from the Buffy board.
VW, not to worry about short temp assignments. it is not normal for an agency to send someone out somewhere great right off the bat, you have to go through several "trial" runs for them to test you or some such ridiculousness. I'm finally in a temp-to-hire at a great place now after 4 placements at decent but short term places. Two of which were sucky single days.
IOworkN, i did my computer software testing for the 911 position today and think i did pretty well, my difficulty remembering numbers being the hardest part (i totally crashed and burned on the section where you hear a phone number, wait five seconds, then have to type it accurately from memory). The place was nice, the people were nice, location was far out but easy to get to (i'm thinking about moving when my lease is up in Jan anyways) and in a week i should hear whether or not i get called in for an interview.
Very glad to hear about VW's shiny boy, and very sad to hear about other medical crumminess :(