a temperate climate sort of person.
wrod. I grew up in Pennsylvania, which is supposed to be temperate, but 90 degrees with 80% humidity is not temperate.
I wonder what the market for tech support is in Seattle, probably saturated.
Still, Fall in Utah is gorgeous. I'll need to find out of the car is up to some canyon blasting come September.
Are you taking anything, like Prilosec?
What does that do? I tried the Gas-X and it does nothing!
It decreases the amount of acid the stomach produces (if too much acid is your problem).
(much like the goggles)
wonder what the market for tech support is in Seattle, probably saturated.
Please keep in mind that while Fairbanks Alaska has had six days of 70 degree weather in the past two weeks, we have been in the 50s. Seriously.
It is currently 48 degrees here. It's ridiculous. Though for the first time in weeks, the forecast does not look completely and utterly depressing...
It decreases the amount of acid the stomach produces (if too much acid is your problem).
I don't think that's it. It's like gas pains times, like, a zillion. It's faded (for now, but maybe for the duration) but if it comes back, maybe I'll try a Zantac, which is something I have on hand for acid situations (which I definitely do get from time to time, but is easily taken care of with the Zantac)
Please keep in mind that while Fairbanks Alaska has had six days of 70 degree weather in the past two weeks, we have been in the 50s. Seriously.
Hi, home! Hey, Fairbanks consistently records temps in the 90s (and sometimes 100s). It just also consistently records temps in the negative 40s and 50s.
SF has been pretty warm lately, which is kind of weird. I was all prepared for summer weather, and then it got sunny and warm! Strange.
It's like gas pains times, like, a zillion.
Hmm. Your basic Bad Tummy, then.
I've been having weird lower-abdominal pains for....a while now, and I have an OB/GYN appt. tomorrow to see what's what. (Not pregnant; I've checked.) The oddest part is -- I *know* I'm fat, but my lower abdomen (belly-button downward) is disproportionately huge. I'm not saying that to justify my fat. None of my pants fit right -- they're loose (or fit properly) in the legs, but so tight on my lower abdomen that it's painful. I know it *could* be just extra fat, but combined with the unexplained pain that occurs randomly throughout the month, it's got me a little concerned. Not overly, but still. I'll be glad to get it checked out tomorrow.
(We leave for vacation in 10 days, and I have appointments out the ass between now and then, all because I want to go on vacation with a clear conscience -- 30,000-mile car tune up [we're driving my car to vacation so that HAS to be done], tire store [ditto], OB/GYN, and my first-ever leg wax next week so that I'm not Sasquatch at the beach with my BF's entire family. God, I hope it isn't excessively painful. And doesn't give me a rash afterwards. [No, no bikini area. I have a low pain threshhold.])
Still, Fall in Utah is gorgeous.
It is. The colours are beautimous, though I wish they would maintain a longer duration. Every season save winter seems to last only a moment.
my first-ever leg wax next week
I wish you luck. I advise intoxication or an altered state of some kind, and of coarse a designated driver. I have a low tollerance for pain as well, and strangers touching me makes me excessively nervous, so I tend to tense up and make it worse for myself.
Your basic Bad Tummy, then.
Yeah, however, it's getting to be a regular and more incapaciting Bad Tummy, and I'd like to figure out what the deal is. It now stretches out over 2 days and has been, exitingly, culminating in throwing up before it lets me out of its grip. (that hasn't happened yet for this occasion, but I'm not out of the woods yet)