Why can't I concentrate on math today? Like, at all? While I was at the office this afternoon, I first edited some stuff that really didn't need to be edited, then cleaned my desk, then cleaned the big whiteboard, then sat staring at the same page while daydreaming for about an hour.
How is a person supposed to fall asleep when they feel like this?
Fall asleep? A person is supposed to stay up late and babble happily at her fellow bitches about Mr. Still Needs A Bitch Nickname.
babble happily at her fellow bitches about Mr. Still Needs A Bitch Nickname.
I KNOW! We need to come up with a name!
That is the BEST dating site name EVER! Plus, just based on the fact that vw is a member as is Date!Guy (who needs a way better nickname than that, but GuyWhoMustSpoilTheBug is a little too long, n'est-ce pas?).
Well, we could call him the Spoiler, but that would confuse the hell out of you.
Well, sj has her TCG, I think vw needs her CBD, don't you?
That is the BEST dating site name EVER!
Isn't it? I just had to sign up when I found it. It cracked me up.
but GuyWhoMustSpoilTheBug is a little too long
Yeah, probably.
Well, we could call him the Spoiler, but that would confuse the hell out of you.
we could call him the Spoiler
I thought of that, but completely aside from the Batman ref, we'd have to go to bureau to develop a policy about him.
New-Boy-Smell is not the time for policies!