I am in meeting scheduling hell. Not only do 2 of the people who absolutely have to be there have a meeting pop up that makes my previously scheduled meeting unworkable-there is no time later in the day, and the day after the PM leaves for a long weekend and 2 of our people plus one of theirs will be out of town on the same trip.
Well, shit. My good friend who is also a co-worker's beloved dog died today. He was attacked by a neighbor's dog late last week. Friend didn't think it was that bad but apparently it was. The worst part is that friend's dad is hospitalized (fucking cancer) so friend wasn't here when the dog died. So sad. Please send {{{}} J's way.
He was attacked by a neighbor's dog late last week.
I live in fear of this happening-especially to little Oz. Peace~ma for your friend.
Lots of brackets to your friend, GC.
So sad, GC. I'm so sorry for your friend and coworker.
Aw, GC, many hugs to your friend J.
JZ, that is an awesome present! Very...titillating (without the tits, but I don't think pussilating is a word.)
I love that gift, JZ, but don't know what causes it to tweak Flickr's safe settings. Or is that in your control?
Glamcookie, so, so sorry to hear about the doggie.
I have to say, if it was automatic, Flickr is a lot quicker on the uptake than I was - I needed the hint.