ION, fuck cancer.
We had an intern a couple units back whose 3-year-old son died of cancer a few weeks after the unit ended. His wife got pregnant again shortly thereafter, but they just discovered that SHE has cancer. (I'm not sure what type. It didn't seem the moment for going into medical details mode.) So now they're going to Seattle Cancer Care Alliance to see what treatment options they have and I guess whether they can treat it while she's pregnant or if they have to wait till the baby is born (I think she's early second trimester).
I think it's fair to say the entire chaplaincy staff here is angry at God today, and it's not like they/we don't see our fair share of horrors and tragedies in our day-to-day work.
Damn, Susan, what a shame. All kinds of ~ma for the family.
Oh, Susan, that's fucking awful.
Jars, someone once said to me about diets food modification that if you forgot to brush your teeth one night, you don't give up brushing your teeth forever. You just start over the next morning. No guilt. I just started Weight Watchers myself so I'm getting used to the whole process.
That's just not fair at all. Sometimes this universe really bites.
Much ~ma to them all.
Aw, DJ, I'm sorry. What a nasty little gut-churning stew. I'm glad that gay work boyfriend is stepping in to give you the wine and flattery you need (except, is it flattery if it's true? Maybe I should have said "wine and accurate reportage of your excellence").
Bad job, Mister DJ. Bad job, DJ's brain.
But yay vw! I know the meds have been wildly messing with your metabolism over the past year (and, actually, the pictures from your party looked dramatically different from even just a couple of months ago, but I didn't say anything because...probably because I'm just overly timid and fearful of accidentally offending).
Jars, what MFNLaw said.
And, something good to tell? Ummm... I got Hec a present over the weekend while working at the Art Deco event that is completely made of awesome. Tiny, but awesome. Hopefully there will be pictures soon.
I thought Obama's speech claiming the nomination was quite inspiring.
Apparently, it was nothing compared to the locker room style speech he gave to his campaign staff the next day. (YouTube link)
Thanks guys, and fuck cancer up the bum without its prior consent. Harsh, but fair, I think.
DH and I are discussing moving to southern California. So what's the what with Southern California? Sunnydale was there, right?
Oh, Susan. I'm so sorry. Fuck cancer, indeed.
I really want to see SatC, but I seem to be one of the only ones around here who enjoyed the tv show.
I loved it! I should get around to seeing the movie sometime. I was going to use a free ticket. And I'll have to work up the nerve to go up to the window and say, in my manliest voice, "One for Sex and the City."
{{DJ}} Also, I enjoy both Max Cady and, um, shit...the other band whose name is escaping me at the moment because I listen to Max Cady more often. But I like them both, so thank you for being awesome!
~ma, Susan. Cancer can indeed, go fuck itself.