Is it Monday?
I skipped. Actually, I didn't mean to skip. I threadsucked, then my browser crashed, and well, I probably shouldn't read 600 posts anyways. Much to do to catch up from my little depressive episode that seems to now be letting up. Thank God for small favors.
What's new Bitches? Do anything fun this weekend?
Congratulations, billytea, on your exciting news. Also, congratulations and perhaps some golf-clapping on your dad's exciting news.
Is it Monday?
It is! For about ninety more minutes.
What's new Bitches? Do anything fun this weekend?
We went to Canberra to see family. Wallybee's decided to learn to drive, she did an hour's practice on the freeway both up and back. Went well. Saw my sister and her husband, and their new eight-week old baby Brody. Very peaceful bub. Saw older brother, he loves his job at the liquor store. Gave him his birthday pressie (seasons 1 and 2 of the Venture Brothers), and showed him the cards and stuff for 1960: The Making of the President. And saw D, and discussed his recognition, and whether or not it would be made out to "Judge Dredd". (Apparently not.)
Sounds like a good weekend, billytea! What are the congrats for? I need to know before I offer proper congratulations!
That's so cool about your dad, bt.
Tall, stunning (although bafflingly oblivious to this), lean, funny, clever, wordy, arty, kinda geeky...yeah.
Says the woman who is bafflingly oblivious to her own charms.
I went to a baby shower and spent most of the time ogling the homeowner's new custom-made bookcases with rolling ladders. My choice of this [link] which I framed, seemed to be a hit. (The whole family has a penguin theme going.) Also, I did find the penguin shoes before the shower.
Make sure the family doesn't watch Good Luck Chuck. It might traumatize them (at the very end of the unrated version), Ginger. Nice print!
Congrats to your dad, bt!
YouTube thingy, entitled "Engineers' Guide to Cats": [link]
vw, nice to see you here!
We had the neighbors in for dinner and celebrated another neighbor's book deal (on Peruvian film), bought and put together a new grill, and generally avoided the oppressive heat. My weather widget is telling me it is 88 degrees out there already. Yipes.
Congratulations to the Dad-of-bt!
And, ftr, I vote facial hair for VictorC. When my DH shaved his beard I complained until he grew it back.
Nice to be here, Sparky!
My weather widget is telling me it is 88 degrees out there already. Yipes.
It's 86 here. I really just want to stay in all day, but I desperately need groceries.