Just watched Stargate SG-1 Season 4 episode 2 "The Other Side" with a planet at war, people underground vs the "Breeders". Made me laugh out loud. It was like gays vs straights or something... ok, bad. I know. But I found it kinda funny. Maybe I need more sleep still.
Speaking of gay, does it make me gay if I'm looking at Samantha Carters hair in Season 4 and thinking "Girl? What is wrong with you?!" I swear, it looks like she rolled outta bed to shoot these episodes. What is Hair/make-up thinking? She's in the military exploring the cosmos, not Cosmo magazine!!
"Thank you, Brother Johann. Hast thou a sister?"
I nearly choked on my dinner when I read that.
Holy Horror Movie Lightning, Batman! This is frickin awesome.
My gracious, VictorC, you're quite the cutie! My vote is clean-shaven.
We had lightning like that the other night. It was like being at a Pink Floyd laser show. Endless.
"Thank you, Brother Johann. Hast thou a sister?"
I nearly choked on my dinner when I read that.
Teppy cracks me up on a regular basis.
I vote clean shaven.
I need to have my adult card revoked. I missed my flight home cause I can't tell time. For some reason, that I thought was good at the time, I set my watch back to California time and them promptly forgot that I did that.
I though I had plenty of time to make my flight, but no. Missed it by minutes so now I'm on standby for the next flight which has been delayed at least an hour. It is currently 8:15 and the flight isn't currently due to leave until 10:30.
I'm normally one of those uber-anal people when it comes to getting to the airport early. Nicole and I had joked about me being like her bf when it comes to that. And yet here I am - I've already spent a bunch of time in the bar and I still more time to kill.
Such a loser.
Oh, Suzi! You were being organized and responsible! Just ... a little too soon.
::gets out Fernet::
I'd say clean shaven. Of course, I'm not a huge fan of facial hair.
Huh. Vortex is me.
Suzi, don't beat yourself up. You've got a lot going on.
Flight delayed to 10:55 now and at a different gate. Trying to decide if it is worth moving or if I should stay put for a while.
I hate that my brain is dropping basic stuff like this.
The "good news" is that I did find a place for STBX about 3-4 miles from my place. He won't be camping his body or is stuff in my place!!!!!
Suzi, obviously you needed more me time. Quit arguing with your subconscious and enjoy yourself.