Want to know the definition of irony? Having an allergic reaction (rash, general itchiness ALL OVER) to goddamned STEROIDS.
Their whole raison d'etre is to FIGHT INFLAMMATORY STUFF, not cause it.
I swear, only to me does this weirdness happen. After midnight is NOT the time to realize you're having an allergic reaction to a new drug. Benadryl, here I come.
Feh. Like I need this.
Teppy: Yikes!
The Cat Ivan is. .. well, was having a case of the WeeHas - but he has stopped galloping up and down the length of the apartment.
It's amazing how loud one the sound of one galloping cat can be.
t tmi rant
I am officially confused by my body. Tired today. Then after I got home - digestively uncomfortable. Supposed to go out with DH and friend, but I felt nauseous. Shortly after they left for dinner -- asthma attack. digestive problems mostly gone, but freezing. Ate a little pho, warmer, digestive stable.
this make no sense
t /tmi rant
Steph's body might be weirder, mine is just stupid.
wow my boss just suprised me and I was actually working. What luck!
Oops, Burrell. Had I known the laidbackness of your night, I'd have cabbed it.
See girls and boys--keep caught up!
My arm's all bruised from the blood test I had yesterday. Just on stick on each arm, but she was poking around under the skin for a while on the left arm before she finally gave up. Hate that.
So is it me, or does it seem Dread Pirate Byron has developed a Pepe Le Pew syndrome with skunks? 2 times in a week! I dunno, maybe he was seeking revenge, and went out on the prowl.