Lemme catch a flight - I'll be there by 7:30.
Em has her first dentist appointment today at 5:00. With my childhood dentist. I am excited and yet, kind of nervous. I hope she doesn't freak out. Any one else get their toddler through the dentist ok the first time out?
That's fucking annoying, Daisy.
I would totally take you Aims!
Any one else get their toddler through the dentist ok the first time out?
Aims, I don't have a toddler, but my college roommate is a pediatric dentist. The moral to many of her stories from work is that the parents should just let her do her thing.
Your childhood dentist has probably had a brazillion kiddos in the chair -- follow his lead.
DJ, your best friend seems to have terrible taste in men and she's taking your friendship for granted.
Thanks Sparky - I'll follow their lead and only intrude when asked.
Well, yeah. I'm not alone though. We all kinda feel like she'll put this guy ahead of us in a heartbeat. It's sad. She's gotten so oblivious that even though we have all expressed reservations, and at least one coworker has gone all "Dude. Really W.T.F" on her, she still acts like everything's fine and nothing is any different.
She's still talking about moving to L.A. with him, and when told she should probably think about it because it wouldn't be as easy as she might think what with really only having him around and she told our mutual friend, "I could probably replace my friends in about a year."
What the hell are you thinking to say something like that. "Make some new friends." Ok. "Have a social network." Probably even better phrasing, but "replace my friends." So. Very. Wrong.
Can you take someone else, Daisy Jane?
She's gonna need to do that in Dallas if she's not careful. Oy.
In skimming, I read this:
Fay you are hot.
She's creepier in person, because she can out-stare anyone. I don't think she needs to blink.
Then I slowed down and read Steph's post properly.
She's still talking about moving to L.A. with him, and when told she should probably think about it because it wouldn't be as easy as she might think what with really only having him around and she told our mutual friend, "I could probably replace my friends in about a year."
Ew. That is not the best phrasing ever, yeah. Punch her in the face.
P.S. Aims, I worship Coke along with you.