I don't want Ellie and Frisco to eel like they aren't from anywhere
Yay for Joe!! DH grew up all over the world and US while I spent 18 years in the same house. He thinks it is just horrible that our poor children have only lived in one city their whole lives. I think it is great that we live in such a diverse community and their experience is richer than mine was. To all kids, what they experience is the normal.
I know that DH has a clear advantage over me in communicating with people from other countries, if for no other reason than he is great at understanding them. I'm jealous of his childhood experience of world travel and he is jealous of my sense of roots. Grass greener and all that.
eta: vibes for simple fix for BB
I hope BB remains ambulatory with no further incidences of gravity-aided landings.
Apparently he knocked a bunch of stuff off a cabinet when he tumbled, and then hit his head on the cabinet, so that was the noise. He was feeling well enough to joke about it ("Look at the damage I did to that door!"), so it sounds like he's fine, but his daughter (who works for the company) just hustled him out the door about 3 minutes ago to the ER for stitches.
I didn't see him, but Chatty did, and he says it looks fine but probably warrants 5 stitches or fewer. Still, that's one tough noggin.
That's a bird on his shoulder now, right? Congrats!
Actually, that's colonel, which is next. His new rank is a silver oak leaf.
Thanks, everyone!
Congratulations, Joe! Stephanie, that's really cool.
I will probably be arriving in Dallas around July 10. So it looks like I will miss that adventure.
To all kids, what they experience is the normal.
This. Yep.
So, today was the last day of school. I'm home and getting ready for the end of the year party.
Tep, I'm glad it doesn't appear to be serious.
So it looks like I will miss that adventure.
Heh. Trouble (the good kind) is more like it. I'm sorry I won't get the chance to meet you. Oh, and whatever Drew and Kristin say is completely false, unless it's flattering, in which case it's absolutely true.
edit: Yay, ChiKat!
The joy of every teacher and student. The dread of parents. Owen's finished on Thursday this week and I'm going to be counting the days until his summer program starts later this month.
Congratulations Stephanie and Lieutenant Colonel Joe! Go you!
Also, congrats to ChiKat for being done with school! I finished grading last night, so I am no longer bitter. We wave goodbye to the girls tomorrow and then I have to pack up my room, go to a few meetings, and sail into summer.
The joy of every teacher and student. The dread of parents.
Yeah, that's very true. I am sorry for the parents...but not so sorry that I'm willing to stick around!
School's out forever
School's been blown to pieces