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This was one thought I had for the changeling's nightmare. The other thought I had was a nightmare where nobody has faces.
I could do something like that with the changeling warlock, the one that walks around looking like a vampire and is still freaked about her fiendish heritage. Have to tie it in with her identity issues though.
does it have tentacles?
See, the tentacle fetish among aberrations and the Far Realms just gives me the irrits. Why is it always tentacles? It's discrimination against cephalopods, that's what it is.
Anyway, Gift of Release (my brother thinks he needs female cultists, so they can be Slave Women of GoR) is basically all about the madness and corruption. His minions will include obyrith demons (I plan to have the PCs meet - in fact, effectively complete the ritual that will summon - his Sibriex vizier, when they're 3rd level just to freak them out), and the odd rakshasa of course. (GoR's chaotic, so it will be the odd rakshasa.) I also want it to be well supplied with vermin, especially wasps. [link] Check out the video of the Japanese giant hornet.)
So to sum up, I'm thinking more of an insectile theme to this guy's freakiness.
ahh. I was thinking of a giant tentacled penguin from (iirc) Monty Python.
Check out the video of the Japanese giant hornet
eek! No! First image is an army ant! icky icky bad!
eek! No! First image is an army ant! icky icky bad!
No, no, the first image is a bullet ant. The army ants are further down. Anyway, they don't hold a candle to Africa's driver ants.
Actually, army ants can be kind of useful. If they invade your house, you get everyone out (well, obviously), and they empty the entire place of any and all vermin. And then leave. Thoughtful of them, really. You might like to go grab a latte while they're working.
Check out the video of the Japanese giant hornet.
INSECT WARS! I love that footage. Although it's a bit tragic watching all those bee corpses pile. Those Japanese giant hornets are SCA-REE!
INSECT WARS! I love that footage. Although it's a bit tragic watching all those bee corpses pile. Those Japanese giant hornets are SCA-REE!
Yeah, it's less an insect war as it is an insect massacree. Basically if the bees want to survive, they need to kill the scout that found them in the first place and stop it telling the others. And their stings can't penetrate its armour; they attack it by surrounding it and vibrating their wing muscles to generate excess heat. the bees will die at 48 degrees, but the hornet is less efficient at heat dispersal and dies at 45 degrees. The bees thus have a window of opportunity where they can cook it to death and survive.
The bees thus have a window of opportunity where they can cook it to death and survive
well that is cool. I just can't hack the ants. It wouldn't bother me so much if I hadn't just seen Indy four. I think the whole franchise is getting back at me for thinking snakes are cool and rats are cute.
Insects in general tend to squick me quite a bit, but I have a soft spot for bees.
You should have seen Sean almost leap out of my car due to a Cricket.
Ants don't bother me compared to most other insects.
And no insects bother me like arachnids bother me.