A thread for the discussion of games: board, LARP, MMORPG, video, tabletop RPG, game theory etc. etc. and all attendant news, developments and ancillary subjects thereof, as well as coordinating/scheduling games either online or IRL. All are welcome to chime in, talk about their favorite games or learn about gaming of any sort.
PLEASE TO WHITEFONT SPOILERS for video games, RPG modules or anything for which foreknowledge of events might lessen one's enjoyment of whatever gaming experience.
The next Rock Band will have a segment where you beat up the band from Guitar Hero in the back alley after the show.
This might even tempt me.
My poor housemate was so excited to show me "our" new Wii Fit. I'm not sure why he thought I would be interested when I haven't even tried any of the zillion other electronic contraptions he has.
My impression though was that the drum kit was just redesigning the game pad into a drum kit form. An X or Triangle button press is still just a button press, yes? I mean, when you hit one of the drum pads, you're just sending button press information to the console, right?
You would think this is the case, but the companies have not been playing well with each other. It's Guitar Hero that refuses to work with other controllers, Rock Band works fine with Guitar Hero controllers. They've shown pictures of the Guitar Hero drum set and it is configured differently so that a few of the pads are cymbals and I think it might have more pads as well.
All right, FG II installed. Just need to figure out how to, you know...
...use it.
I'm waiting for Fantasy Grounds to become sentient and develop artificial intelligence, just for the "I'm playing AIFG AIFG!" posts.
All right, FG II installed. Just need to figure out how to, you know...
...use it.
Using it is pretty simple. I've been looking over the documentation for programming it (located at the FG website), and it's now very clear that reprogramming it to handle Shadowrun or Serenity will take...
... some work.
I tried to re-install bootcamp so I could install FG. No luck (some details in technology). Uggg. Me wants to play!
Would this be the right thread for this?
that is awesome. The ladies comments, HILARIOUS!
So megan is in town for a visit, and there is supposed to be game playing today.
I have two shows today. I'm not sure I'll be seeing megan for more than about five minutes.
Sad now.
A little bit last week, and now some more today, I've been playing Tomb Raider: Anniversary, finally.
I haven't done more than complete Croft Manor, the training level (and that was with walkthrough). The graphics, movement and animation are all absolutely stunning. And if the training level is any indication, the levels are al going to be pretty huge. The jumping/climbing is all very similar to previous Tomb Raiders.
Basically on the positive side, this game really fulfills the promise of all the earlier titles, using the full extent of today's hardware.
On the negative side, the controls are also pretty much the same as previous versions of the game, which means that, while functional, they're not always great, and sometimes they just flat out suck.