Dear Sean,
I played Zelda. A lot. In college. We called the help line once. To get out of the Lava Pit, maybe? Stupid bats.
In any case, Zelda. Check.
A thread for the discussion of games: board, LARP, MMORPG, video, tabletop RPG, game theory etc. etc. and all attendant news, developments and ancillary subjects thereof, as well as coordinating/scheduling games either online or IRL. All are welcome to chime in, talk about their favorite games or learn about gaming of any sort.
PLEASE TO WHITEFONT SPOILERS for video games, RPG modules or anything for which foreknowledge of events might lessen one's enjoyment of whatever gaming experience.
Dear Sean,
I played Zelda. A lot. In college. We called the help line once. To get out of the Lava Pit, maybe? Stupid bats.
In any case, Zelda. Check.
ION, I am a sexy shoeless god of RoboRally. I beat the online AI, seven opponents at once. Unlike the lasttime, this one wasn't a fluke, it was just a beautifully executed plan.
I, also, have never played Zelda.
I have never played Zelda. I'm thinking this can no longer be counted as a theory.
Video games would take up time that I could spend playing with clothes or reading trashy vampire novels! A goth girl has to have her priorities!
She says this now, but what happens when Tim Burton starts designing video games?
She says this now, but what happens when Tim Burton starts designing video games?
There was a Nightmare Before Christmas video game. Everyone I knew expected me to finally play video games. It didn't happen.
Certain friends also keep trying to convince me I should play Guitar Hero, because MCR have a song in it. It hasn't worked yet.
With no GTA4 to play, I've been enjoying playing through GTA3 again. When I played it before, I got over halfway through the game before my roommate (with the PS3) moved out of state. That was long enough ago that I only vaguely remember general details, but I remember enough to be picking the game up quickly.
I haven't really tinkered with TR:Anniversary yet. The graphics are fantastic, but the controls need some getting used to.
But I think GTA3 is going to keep me occupied for a while. This means, of course, I will probably have to play through Vice City Stories and San Andreas next, and hopefully by that time, GTA4 will be available on either Mac or Windows (hopefully Mac, graphics are so much better on Leopard).
Jilli, you played Burnout Revenge with us at my old place in Burbank. You also did quite well, Pete on the other hand...well we've already told folks about the maneuver named after him.
Shut up, Drew. You'll get yours, mister.
Anywayzzzz.... gods, I'm tired... I noticed a couple nice little animation touches in GTA IV yesterday; if you are waiting behind another car (presumably at a light) and you hit the horn, the person in the car in front of you will reach up and adjust their rear-view mirror to take a peak at what your issue is. Another nice touch was seeing a whole bunch of NPCs open umbrellas when the sky suddenly opened. Another guy ran under an awning, and shuffled from foot to foot while blowing on his cold hands.