don't they have a history of that?
Gaming 1: You are likely to be eaten by a grue
A thread for the discussion of games: board, LARP, MMORPG, video, tabletop RPG, game theory etc. etc. and all attendant news, developments and ancillary subjects thereof, as well as coordinating/scheduling games either online or IRL. All are welcome to chime in, talk about their favorite games or learn about gaming of any sort.
PLEASE TO WHITEFONT SPOILERS for video games, RPG modules or anything for which foreknowledge of events might lessen one's enjoyment of whatever gaming experience.
Pradmiral Tigh has chosen the food loss. Your food is now at 6.
And now, the moment you've all been waiting for: When Raiders Attack! Starbuck has opted to do Sector 6 first, then Sector 5.
Sector 6
Raider 1:
8. Apollo Destroyed! (Well, his viper anyway. This isn't Pegasus, dammit!) But Starbuck plays EM-1. Reroll:
Raider 1a:
7 - 2 = 5. Viper damaged. But Starbuck plays EM-2. Re-reroll:
Raider 1b:
3 - 2 = 1. Miss.
Raider 2:
1. Miss.
Raider 3:
7. Viper damaged. Are there more COs? There are! Starbuck saves Apollo's arse (for later) yet again with an EM-2. Reroll:
Raider 3a:
6 - 2 = 4. Miss. (So close!)
Raider 4:
5. Viper damaged. Alas, we have no more COs. Apollo is sent to Sickbay - the civilians are left unprotected. There are 5 raiders left. Three of them destroy the 3 civilian ships, the remaining two move to Sector 1. The civilian ships contained:
Civilian C:
1 Population
Civilian E:
No resources (humans catch a break!)
Civilian F:
1 Population
Total loss: 2 Population.
Sector 5
Raider 1:
2. Miss.
Raider 2:
8. Viper destroyed. Helo also goes to Sickbay. There are no more raiders in Sector 5; the civilian ships survive this turn.
Jump Prep: Yes
This concludes Starbuck's turn. Pradmiral Tigh, I'm sending you your card draw. When you're ready, please post your move and action.
End-of-turn summary:
Round 2.6 - Starbuck
Locations and Hands
Tigh: Administration; 2 card(s)
Apollo: Sickbay; 8 card(s)
Chief: Weapons Control; 8 card(s)
Zarek: Brig; 3 card(s)
Helo: Sickbay; 6 card(s)
Starbuck: Weapons Control; 7 card(s)
Sector 1: 2 Raider(s), 1 Heavy Raider(s), Civilians A
Sector 2: Civilians B
Sector 3: Civilians G
Sector 4: 2 Heavy Raider(s), Civilians H
Sector 5: 2 Raider(s), Civilians D J
Sector 6: 1 Basestar(s), 7 Raider(s)
Fuel: 6
Food: 6
Morale: 9
Population: 8
Viper Reserves: 0
Damaged Vipers: 5
Raptors: 4
Boarding Party: 0
Nukes: 1
Jump Track: 1 (Red)
Distance Travelled: 2
Galactica Damage: None
Administrative note: Pradmiral Tigh's draw exhausted the Tactics deck. I have reshuffled the discards.
It was nothing, really. I've reshuffled decks lots of times.
So Admiral Drinky, you wanna call me a liar agin to my face when I shot the basestar and burned THREE Evasive Maneuvers trying to save Apollo's ass? (not to mention the civvies they didn't get to shoot at, thanks to me).
When we all live through this because I busted my hump covering your sorry asses, maybe you'll all make ME PrAdmiral, and *I* can sit around drinking all the time.
I move to the President's Office
I use a G-1 to XO Tyrol to prove he's a better shot than Starbuck. (Laga, use these 2 actions to fire on the Basestar. You can use your own turn to get to the hanger deck and start repairing Vipers).
Shut yer yap, Starbuck, before I strap you to the next nuke I fire. Gods knows what the old man saw in you.
MyBrute: This is... well, just watch it. [link]
And this battle can best be described as busy. [link]
Chief Tyrol, you have received an XO. You may either take a move and an action, or not move and take two actions. When you're ready please post your orders.