I play no interrupts. Mr. Zarek is napping after a busy day saving everyone's lives (by proxy).
'Objects In Space'
A thread for the discussion of games: board, LARP, MMORPG, video, tabletop RPG, game theory etc. etc. and all attendant news, developments and ancillary subjects thereof, as well as coordinating/scheduling games either online or IRL. All are welcome to chime in, talk about their favorite games or learn about gaming of any sort.
PLEASE TO WHITEFONT SPOILERS for video games, RPG modules or anything for which foreknowledge of events might lessen one's enjoyment of whatever gaming experience.
I play no interrupts. Mr. Zarek is napping after a busy day saving everyone's lives (by proxy).
I have passes from everyone now. Let's see how the Scouting mission goes.
Die roll: 6. Success!
Pradmiral, do you wish to scout the Crisis deck or the Destination deck?
Crisis deck. Plenty of time to check the destination deck.
:: gronk :: huh? where am I? what's going on here :: a bit of swirling, head woozy ::
Boomer? Where are we?
Don't worry Helo, I found a bird, we are flying homeWha?? :: looks out window :: Holy Frak! There is a battle going on out there!! Careful! A nuke just went off over there!
I have moved the current Crisis card to the bottom of the deck.
Mr Zarek is in the Brig, so he doesn't draw a Crisis Card. Crew of Galactica, please welcome back your ECO, Karl 'Helo' Agathon. Helo, I'm sending you your card draw. You start your turn on the Hangar Deck. When you're ready, please post your move and action.
End-of-turn summary
Round 2.4 - Zarek
Locations and Hands
Tigh: Administration; 2 card(s)
Apollo: Sector 6; 8 card(s)
Chief: Weapons Control; 8 card(s)
Zarek: Brig; 3 card(s)
Helo: Caprica; 3 card(s)
Starbuck: Hangar Deck; 5 card(s)
Sector 1: Civilians A
Sector 2: Civilians B
Sector 3: Empty
Sector 4: 2 Raider(s), 3 Heavy Raider(s)
Sector 5: 1 Basestar(s), Civilians D
Sector 6: 4 Raider(s), 3 RSV(s), Civilians C E F, Apollo
Fuel: 6
Food: 8
Morale: 9
Population: 10
Viper Reserves: 0
Damaged Vipers: 3
Raptors: 4
Boarding Party: 0
Nukes: 1
Jump Track: 0 (Red)
Distance Travelled: 2
Galactica Damage: None
As the Raptor I am in draws closer to Galactica, I see a Viper escort us in. I think it strange, what with so many enemy birds in the air, but I guess Boomer wanted to make sure we have some defenses. My head is clear now, the adreniline pumping through my veins is at max levels. As soon as we touchdown in the hangar deck, I jump out, and jump IN to our escorts Viper. I've been breathing radiation too long, I WANT MY REVENGE. I'm going Toaster hunting.
ACTION: Claim a viper and launch into sector 6.
This gives me one more action. SECOND ACTION: I play my GREEN 1 XO card. Chief, I XO you to fire on that mother ship you damaged so well. You get two shots, since you are already at weapons. I ask, if you destroy her on the first shot, that you aim your sights on one of the heavy raiders in sector 4. I got your back! (Game Master, if the roll is not favorable for the colonies, I use my re-roll ability to get a second chance!)
As I launch off the deck, I see Boomer surrounded with guns drawn on her. WTF? No clue what that is all about. But I don't have time for that right now. I got some hunting to do.
Helo to Galactica, I'm in Sector 5 to defend Civvie D. It's good to be back, sir.
A couple of clarifications:
1. You said you launch into Sector 6, but then you say you're in Sector 5 with Civvie D. Which is it?
2. If Chief shoots at the basestar (and then possibly a heavy raider), do you intend to use your reroll on the first missed roll?
Chief Tyrol, you've received an XO. You can either move and take an action, or not move and take two actions. When you're ready please post your orders.