If it's not too late to consider other options, I can help a lot on the skill check.
A thread for the discussion of games: board, LARP, MMORPG, video, tabletop RPG, game theory etc. etc. and all attendant news, developments and ancillary subjects thereof, as well as coordinating/scheduling games either online or IRL. All are welcome to chime in, talk about their favorite games or learn about gaming of any sort.
PLEASE TO WHITEFONT SPOILERS for video games, RPG modules or anything for which foreknowledge of events might lessen one's enjoyment of whatever gaming experience.
If it's not too late to consider other options, I can help a lot on the skill check.
In MyBrute news - there's a tendency to list the pets - dog, wolf, bear - as good, better, best. I actually think that given the right circumstances the wolf is far better than the bear. Check this out from today's matches - [link]
Laga, Sean said he's going with the die roll. Don't worry, plenty more skill checks to make before Kobol!
Die roll it is. Helo plays a Strategic Planning-3.
Die roll: 5 + 2 = 7. No effect.
Cylon Activation: raiders. They fire on Apollo.
Raider 1: 2. Miss.
Raider 2: 8. Viper destroyed! I have COs from Apollo: Play EM-1. The reroll is at -2.
Raider 2a: 5 - 2 = 3. Miss.
Raider 3: 3. Miss. Bah.
Jump Prep: Yes. You are now one icon away from auto-jumping.
That concludes Starbuck's turn. Pradmiral Tigh, you are starting your turn in Sickbay, which means you may draw only one skill card. Please advise whether you wish to draw Green or Purple; then, when you're ready, please post your move and action.
End-of-turn summary:
Round 1.6 - Starbuck
Locations and Hands
Tigh: Sickbay; 4 card(s)
Apollo: Sector 3; 3 card(s)
Chief: Weapons Control; 4 card(s)
Zarek: Administration; 3 card(s)
Helo: Caprica; 4 card(s)
Starbuck: Sector 4; 5 card(s)
Sector 1: 1 Heavy Raider(s)
Sector 2: Empty
Sector 3: 3 Raider(s), Apollo
Sector 4: Civilians A B, Starbuck
Sector 5: 1 RSV(s)
Sector 6: 1 RSV(s)
Fuel: 8
Food: 8
Morale: 9
Population: 10
Viper Reserves: 5
Damaged Vipers: 0
Raptors: 4
Boarding Party: 0
Nukes: 2
Jump Track: 4 (Blue)
Distance Travelled: 0
Galactica Damage: None
Okay, I took Green.
Move: I spend a Purple-2 to travel to Colonial One (Administration) where I will have a little talk with Mr. Zarek about maintaining a unified front as we continue our travels and escape the clutches of this Cylon attack.
Action: I spend a Green-1 to XO Apollo to frak those Raiders. Better safe than sorry.
Apollo, you have received an XO. You may either move and take an action, or not move and take two actions. (Firing at a raider constitutes one action.) When you're ready, please post your orders.
Frak those toasters, boy! Make your old man proud, gods protect him.
I'll fire on the raiders twice.
"Alright, frakkers. Let's see how you like it."
I have passes on interrupts. Let's roll.
Shot 1: 3. Hit!
Shot 2: 4. Hit!
Two raiders have been shot down, one remains.
Apollo amuses himself with a victory boogie. Meanwhile, the tensions on board Colonial One have gone one step further! Tigh's Crisis Card is:
A Traitor Accused
Current Player's Choice
Pradmiral Tigh, when you're ready please post your choice.
"Apollo to Galactica, 2 bogeys destroyed. Think you can mop up the last one, Starbuck?"
I can help a little with the check.