A thread for the discussion of games: board, LARP, MMORPG, video, tabletop RPG, game theory etc. etc. and all attendant news, developments and ancillary subjects thereof, as well as coordinating/scheduling games either online or IRL. All are welcome to chime in, talk about their favorite games or learn about gaming of any sort.
PLEASE TO WHITEFONT SPOILERS for video games, RPG modules or anything for which foreknowledge of events might lessen one's enjoyment of whatever gaming experience.
Yup, Helo starts on Caprica which means Zarek is having a long conversation with his imaginary Helo. Or he has some kind of direct line to Caprica, and since Galactica can't even manage that, it would have to be using Cylon technology.
Either way, things don't look good.
While it was very tempting to play Laura Roslyn again, I shall play Starbuck. Because I didn't spend enough time last game in the brig.
Ooh, Admiral Tigh and President Zarek. This could be fun.
Please note: should Tigh ever decide to attempt to brig Starbuck, the check difficulty will be a grand total of 1. But what are the odds of that happening? ...
On which note, since everyone's chosen their characters, I might send out the loyalty cards. Remember too, could everyone except Tigh send me their choice of three starting cards from their normal skill set.
Hee. This is going to be a fun game.
I really loved the narrative stuff that was structured around the harrowing season finale. I hope with this motley crew you have a chance to engage in that side of the roleplay lots.
I suspect Chief will be busy repairing things the entire game.
I suspect Chief will be busy repairing things the entire game.
On a Battlestar run by Tigh? Starring Apollo and Starbuck?
You betcha. If he's not running the ship into planets, steering with one hand and a bottle of ambrosia in the other, those other two are either fighting or frakking each other into walls and doors and suchlike.
Again: I'll just say over here, behind this sturdy desk in the President's office - my attempts to calm the Quorum down after that little remark, "Admiral", haven't been too successful. I'm not sure I can get them to work with you.
I look forward to Tigh 'steering' Galactica and side-swiping Colonial One.
Please note, Tigh never said this, I did.
For what little comfort that might give.
So, BT, are you going to give us a dramatic prelude that explains the horrible events that leaves us minus an Adama and a Roslin? Perhaps an explosive device meant for one that gets both?
maybe Boomer shot them both.
Perhaps an explosive device meant for one that gets both?
That's so easy to see, given their CARNAL INTEREST IN EACH OTHER.
(for the record: Tom Zarek deplores such things. Deplores it! I see I have the approval of the Quorum Member from Geminon.)
D is playing Dark Knight as The Joker. I would describe his fighting style as "slappy".